UPDATE: The sound of helicopter bids pelting the ceiling at the Phi Psi house is deafening. NOT TFM. Anonymous15 years ago
Annual JP Morgan summer picnic/softball game. Guy hits a looper, I round for home and some sea mammal is blocking; I full on rail her, stand over her and yell "state champ bitch." Summer intern at JP Morgan over. TFM. Anyone have a contact at Chase? Anonymous15 years ago
Freshman orientation = top notch 18 year olds everywhere. I'm opting out of class to pound whisky and bro out on the front lawn. TFM. Anonymous15 years ago
Just crushed a huge deal. Took PGFing (post grad fratting) to a whole new level. Off to crush Jagers, brews and pink tacos. You can take the Frat Star out of the Frat, but you can't take the Frat out of the Frat Star. TFM. Anonymous15 years ago
Vince Young arrested for assault at a strip club. What a fucking....total frat move. TFM. BRObo Cop15 years ago
Crushed the presentation this morning, then gave all my work and an Ice to the new Hire. Heading home for a pair of khakis and the big screen. TFM. Anonymous15 years ago