Caught On Tape: 6 Guys Attempt To Break Into KA’s House At Miami University

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During the weekend, six men attempted to break into the Kappa Alpha fraternity house at Miami of Ohio. One onlooker grabbed his phone and began recording the incident. Here it is:

As he walks toward the house, he is met by the crew’s lookout. The kid claims his boys were just jumped by 10 KAs, and that is their reasoning behind the attempted break-in. After multiple failed attempts to get the cameraman to moveĀ on with his day, he finally asks if the cameraman is recording him. This is the face of a kid who just realized he’s fucked:

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Realizing he’s in trouble, he does the job a lookout is supposed to do and tellsĀ his boys that they’ve got company. Rather than fleeing the scene, the guys confront the cameraman and come to blows with him about filming them. Props to the kid for still keeping the camera rolling. Despite the lookout claiming that no one is drinking, the suspects look really messed up, either from alcohol or drugs. Hard to tell.

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Looks like they made it out with bagels and a shoe–petty items for the crime they committed.

The tipster who sent this in informed us that the man filming is an Alpha Sig and that the six men attempting the break-in are members of Phi Tau, but we cannot confirm the affiliations.

Image via Miami Of Ohio Kappa Alpha

  1. Chibrotle

    Considering the administration and IFC are completely full of shit at Miami, I wouldn’t be surprised if the school finds a way to give KA and Alpha Sig the boot for this along with lengthening Phi Tau’s current ban.

    10 years ago at 7:06 am
  2. Brofloski31

    As an Oxford native (a “townie” if you must), I’m not surprised at all. The fraternities at Miami aren’t exactly known for their upstanding behavior.

    10 years ago at 8:07 am