Well traveled enough to know I never want to cross the Mason Dixon Line or the Mississippi ever again. TFM.

    1. notausernamethief

      You may all go to hell, and I will go to texas”

      -Davy Crockett


      14 years ago at 5:07 pm
  1. Nice Try

    As someone who has been around the country as well, I can say personally the South is the best region.

    14 years ago at 1:44 pm
    1. TXFratsta

      I couldn’t agree more with Nice Try…
      California has the highest tax rate in the country and its full of geeds, hipsters, and libs.
      Sorry but California will never be what the south is…Frat.

      14 years ago at 4:33 pm
    2. Frattiesburg

      Yeah, California…the land of huge debt, illegal immirgrants, and socialist politicians.

      14 years ago at 4:48 pm
    3. fratanomics

      Texas has a ton of illegal immigrants and a pretty sizable debt, but it does have conservative politicians.

      14 years ago at 4:50 pm
    4. Frattiesburg

      You would be great if you weren’t a liberal, ignorant, ugly, needledick GDI.

      14 years ago at 4:50 pm
  2. bob

    I somewhat agree. Any state below the mason dixon line and bordering the miss river is acceptable

    14 years ago at 2:17 pm
  3. GWB

    Not to be rude but Arkansas and Missouri fucking suck. With very few exceptions, if your state is landlocked chances are it lacks class. To be frank the best thing that ever came out of Arkansas was Bill Clinton, and I’m one of the republicans who would’ve loved to impeach the guy for the Monica Lewinski bullshit.

    Ill take, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard or Downeast Maine over that any day. Regardless of whether yall think that Arkansas being located in the south makes it more “fratty.” If thats the case Im siding with the preps.

    14 years ago at 2:46 pm
  4. FratGrenade

    you do realize, not a single person outside of the south thinks the south is the best region in america right? i mean not that i like dealing with tourists and foreigners but there’s a reason the south is the least toured, least migrated, least visited region of the US.

    14 years ago at 7:48 pm
    1. Kappa Alpha Order

      Least toured? You are an idiot. How about Florida is number 1 in tourism and South Carolina number 2…

      14 years ago at 12:09 am
  5. Keep it Fratty

    northerners need to realize that state like Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana and parts of tennessee north carolina virginia arkansas and virginia are breeding grounds for well-dressed, classy fratstars and states like ohio, NY, PA, NJ, MA, MI are for the most part breeding grounds for hoody and jersey wearing, pale, rude GDIs. Granted the north has some frattiness to it, and im really talking about the northeast here, but as a whole the south kicks the north’s ass in the frat game and in being classy, hospitable people.

    14 years ago at 8:24 pm
    1. KAcampGA

      All I know is the South has the best Whiskey….so every Northern and Western states show some respect.

      14 years ago at 10:01 pm
  6. Nobody

    Having been to multiple states in every region( and to 2 other continents), I think that a state has about one-two really nice cities and that state, is California. And the other states have at least 3-5 really nice cities.

    14 years ago at 2:13 am
    1. FratGrenade

      you really dont know what youre talking about. california suburbs are consistently among the highest earning in the nation, and there are far more in CA than any other state.

      14 years ago at 2:25 am
    2. fratifornia

      wow you’ve been to two other continents that makes you so well travelled… fuck off

      14 years ago at 12:13 pm