Clemson Taking Heat For Forcing Students And Faculty To Fill Out Detailed Sexual History Survey

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Remember those irritating AlcoholEdu classes you had to take before actually stepping foot on campus freshman year? Well, Clemson University took it a step further and made all students, faculty, and staff take an online, one-hour course about their sexual history. This “anonymous” survey required people to login by name and student or staff ID number, and failure to complete the course was a violation of the student code of conduct.

Everyone was greeted with this gem of an introduction when they first logged on and found the culprit behind all of this was good old Title IX.

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So this is a course to help fight discrimination, yet it recommends using Chrome or Firefox. Right off the bat, that seems discriminating against uneducated Safari users and 70-year-old staff members who still use Internet Explorer. Good start.

Let’s take a look at these questions.

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I’m sure students were completely honest and didn’t exaggerate at all with questions like, “How many times have you had sex in the past 3 months?” and “How many different people have you slept with in those months.”

Jimmy, we all know you haven’t done so much as touch a boob in your life, and Kristen, just because you don’t want it to count, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

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Giving the administration this information doesn’t seem like it could be beneficial for you in any way.

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It just got real dark, real quick with answer three.

What did the people of Clemson think about this hour-long interrogation about their sexual history? I think that answer can be found in the university recently suspending the mandatory training until further notice.

[via Campus Reform]

Image via Instagram

  1. Students Required To Answer Invasive Sex Questions Before They’re Allowed To Register For Classes | RevelU

    […] However, FAU isn’t the only school using this “show me your little black book” approach. Clemson has used these exact same questions a few months ago. I understand the need for statistics such as, “Have you ever been sexually […]

    10 years ago at 9:51 am