Opening NSFW content at work. TFM.

    1. Not safe for work. Porn, gore, gambling, filesharing, and whatever else your employer deems it to be.

      13 years ago at 2:21 pm
  1. WhoDatFrat80

    How are comments with racial slurs on a comedy website moderated yet I see this computer virus shit on nearly every TFM submission?
    Bacon and Dorn will you please haze the intern until he gets his shit right?

    13 years ago at 1:34 pm
  2. fratanomics

    ^^^^ While I agree with your statement in its entirety, the multiple grammar/spelling errors in your post were vastly more entertaining.

    13 years ago at 1:50 pm
  3. 2ironking

    the weird part about this is that they say that this is frat but i dont really think it is there are really weird guys in my office that try and read anime porn while they are at work and thats what they like but i wouldnt call them frat -2ironking

    13 years ago at 2:03 pm