college of charleston drinking

College Of Charleston Cracks Top 15 Party Schools, Immediately Bans All Greeks From Drinking

college of charleston drinking

One day after the College of Charleston in South Carolina placed 15th in the Princeton Review’s annual ranking of party schools, President Glenn McConnell announced that all fraternities and sororities would be suspended from alcohol-related extracurriculars.

McConnell casually omitted the party school ranking in his explanation for the ban.

From The Post and Courier:

He did not mention the college’s debut Monday on the controversial list of the nation’s top party schools, but he did refer instead to “a series of dangerous behaviors connected to some members of our fraternities and sororities, ranging from disruptive parties out in the community this month to recent medical transports related to extreme intoxication.”

“Enough is enough,” Mc-Connell’s message said. “This is not a knee-jerk reaction to an isolated incident.”

Though McConnell didn’t say it, the party ranking undoubtedly played a role in the college’s decision to implement the ban. Just too timely to be a coincidence. And it’s no surprise Greek life was singled out. If you look at how Princeton Review conducts the ranking, Greek life presence is one of the three major factors.

According to the Princeton Review, colleges that earned a spot on the party schools list are those where students’ answers “indicated a combination of low personal daily study hours (outside of class), high usages of alcohol and drugs on campus and high popularity on campus for frats/sororities.”

The huge, several thousand dollar drug bust from earlier in the year probably didn’t help matters. Even though the dealers were inactive members of Kappa Alpha Order, the Post and Courier reported that the chapter still played a major role in the illicit activities, with pledges acting as drug runners and house parties becoming a sort of drug supermarket.

But that happened months ago. Why are fraternities just now being punished? And why are all fraternities being punished? Kind of strange that a fucking online listicle was cause for a ban, but a high profile drug bust did nothing. I was baffled. Then I considered the fact that a hell of a lot more people read the Princeton Review rankings than they do the Post and Courier, and I realized that it wasn’t too strange after all. University officials care far more about their public image than the safety of their students.

P.S. — A little thing I like to call the “I’m Shmacked Effect” — where university officials hand down sanctions shortly after their school gets a party video — may have also played a role:

[via The Post and Courier]

    1. tuyunena

      Grayson . I see what you mean… Charles `s article is neat, on thursday I bought Chevrolet Corvette after having made $6626 this last 5 weeks and-just over, $10,000 last-month . it’s by-far my favourite work Ive ever done . I started this nine months/ago and practically straight away startad bringin in over $74.. per/hr . try this out


      9 years ago at 11:32 pm
  1. Bill_Waltonloves_LSD

    nah it’s because their was a huge drug bust over the summer which lead to a crack down during rush which didnt go over well for obvious reasons. Multiple chicks had to go to the hosptial and a girl accused a frat guy of rape. not a good look sadly

    9 years ago at 2:54 pm
    1. Ramsay Bolton

      A girl said she went to the hospital after getting drunk at our off campus house, and I had never seen her before. Who knows if she was ever there or how much she drank before or after if she did come to the house. And I’ve known of false rape charges to occur. Sucks that people lives can be damaged just by accusations now.

      9 years ago at 9:08 am
      1. LonghoferDTalphasig

        Just to prove your point, there was this one time during my junior year that a girl apparently collapsed from alcohol poisoning walking away from our house during a party. She told her parents, cops and doctors that she was at alpha sig, so the boys in blue and the Greek life coordinator tried to come running and slap us all with sopro and contributing to delinquency of a minor and providing to a minor, just going off her word. Good thing we had the pledges keeping an electronic list of every person there, or else we never would have even realized: she was never there. She got turned away at the gate for being too fucked up. Bitches man. Thanks for reading

        9 years ago at 7:44 am
      1. Chadwick Brice

        I’m schmacked is basically just an overpriced day party with drunk girls yelling at a camera. One of my pledge brothers got them to agree to come to my school and they put it off for months, then cancelled abruptly without refunding anyone.

        9 years ago at 3:54 pm
  2. Chadwick Brice

    What kind of rock have these fucksticks been living under? C of C has been near the top of those lists for years

    9 years ago at 3:41 pm
  3. beenaround10

    First of all the I’m Shmacked video had nothing to do with this seeing as it was not done recently in the terms of this. It is not a ban it’s a suspension, due to hospitalization of a number of people over the weekend at bid days parties as well as other legal action that took place. All of rush week was under a watchful eye and frats were warned about the consequences of throwing parties and sororities were warned about attending these parties. The suspension of alcohol is because of unfortunate events at these rush parties.

    9 years ago at 9:38 pm
  4. tuyunena

    Grayson . I see what you mean… Charles `s article is neat, on thursday I bought Chevrolet Corvette after having made $6626 this last 5 weeks and-just over, $10,000 last-month . it’s by-far my favourite work Ive ever done . I started this nine months/ago and practically straight away startad bringin in over $74.. per/hr . try this out


    9 years ago at 11:31 pm
  5. FM

    Why is this article still online? There was obviously sexual misconduct since one of the DEFENDANTS pleaded guilty to vouyerism (which is a sex offense although due to the incompetence of his lawyer it was thrown out)…. it’s disgusting that this article still implies that alcohol is the problem and not a shitty guy or two, one of which was already kicked out of another university previously. But please, continue to act like this article is accurate and the comments aren’t disgusting. It wasn’t even a good frat anyway.

    8 years ago at 6:28 pm