Pregnant College Sophomore Photographed Taking Final In Hospital Immediately Before Going Into Labor
In a show of dedication and perseverance far in excess of anything I could ever hope to muster, a college sophomore finished a final right before giving birth and still pulled off a 3.5 GPA.
From Yahoo! Lifestyle:
Nayzia Thomas has her eyes on the prize, or in her case, a college degree — and not even labor is slowing her down. The college sophomore recently went viral after tweeting a photo of herself completing a final while in labor.
Thomas studies psychology at Johnson County Community College in Kansas City, Mo., and, like most college kids, is wrapping up the semester. She stayed in school until she was 39 weeks pregnant and even aimed to finish her final exams before her son came into the world. But babies are on their own timelines, and Thomas went into labor ahead of schedule.
“School is so important to me,” she said, explaining that she was working three jobs and going to summer classes when she found out about her pregnancy. “I didn’t want [the pregnancy] to be in the way. That’s what people expect. You’re a teen mom, you’re a young mother. That’s why my mom took that picture. It shows [I] follow through.”
Jesus. I have no responsibilities whatsoever and I still barely get a 3.5. One time I was too hungover the morning before my final, so I emailed my professor saying I had meningitis and skipped it because I’d still get a C.
Now I’m no (real) doctor, but I heard that labor is really difficult. Apparently Nayzia lost a ton of blood and went into shock afterwards, so I guess it’s the kind of thing that can be distracting. Lucky for us, she still had the time and composure to post a picture of herself plugging away on a purple HP laptop while a little person was trying to claw its way out of her. Even with the challenges of birth, she obviously still did very well and that’s impressive.
What an inspiring story. Three jobs? Summer classes? Pregnancy? This woman is as strong as they come..
[via Yahoo! Lifestyle]
Image via Twitter
Nayzia NF.
7 years ago at 6:28 pmShe’s female and in community college you dumb fuck of course she’s NF
7 years ago at 1:49 amThis loser still wouldn’t be able to score
7 years ago at 9:45 amHe’d cream his trousers before he even got close
7 years ago at 11:52 am*cargos
7 years ago at 11:55 amWould
7 years ago at 11:28 pmShe’s pregnant so somebody did. Doesn’t surprise me that it was you little man
7 years ago at 1:50 amSo what fraternity was she in?
7 years ago at 10:24 amSigEp. They’ll take anybody. Probably initiated the unborn fetus as well.
7 years ago at 10:27 amWhy are 90% of the comments from someone named Jizzrag or some version of vaginator? Btw Vaginator your mom says hi. You should really visit her more often.
7 years ago at 2:38 pm– Uncle
Your username and profile pic easily put you in the top 10% of Tryhards on this site. Fucking loser
7 years ago at 6:06 pmBecause I own this site. It isn’t difficult considering 90% of the commenters are tryhards, goobers, losers, poors, pussies, and virgins. A one-eyed three-toed sloth could dominate this site.
7 years ago at 7:40 am