College Student Busted With More Than $100K Worth Of Pot

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I have always imagined the world of high volume drug dealing to be something out of the movies, with car chases, double-dealing, paying off cops, and other stuff like that. These kinds of stories tend to shatter all that like a high capacity submachine gun shattered all the windows in Scarface’s house. A guy with entirely too many legal names, Aaron Andrew Paul Gmuca, 24, was busted after trying to hide a vacuum-sealed bag of $15,000 under the seat of his car during a traffic stop. He’s a senior at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

After the police realized Gmuca probably didn’t have that bag of cash just to pay off his undergraduate tuition bills, they questioned the people in the car and learned they had just made a delivery. This led to the discovery of 20 vacuum-sealed bags each containing a pound of weed. For anyone who is unaware, that is a lot of weed. I’m pretty sure this is how “Pineapple Express” started.

The moral of this story is that you don’t conduct major drug deals and then have more than $10,000 out in plain sight during a traffic stop. Rookie mistake, Gmuca. I’m sure his ability to hide things will improve in prison, though.

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[via WPXI]

  1. USArmy

    In reading an article from the local paper it said the police pulled him over for faulty lights and a crack in the windshield. What kind of cop can see a crack in a windshield at 3 in the morning? Also, what are “faulty lights”? If a tail light is out, say that. This whole thing sounds suspicious.

    Only in America can you be arrested, have your money seized and be sent to prison for possessing a plant that grows in the wild.

    10 years ago at 8:58 am
  2. scotchandwaterholdthewater

    The fact that I go to IUP and just now found out about this through TFM proves how insignificant of a story this is.

    10 years ago at 3:06 pm