College Students On Reddit Are Sharing The Dumbest Things They’ve Ever Heard In Class, And It’s Great


There’s a thread on Reddit right now asking students (and former students) to share the dumbest thing they’ve ever heard another student say out loud in class. It is pretty fantastic. One of the things I miss most about college is sitting in an auditorium, barely paying attention, and listening to some future associates degree haver ask a question so awesomely stupid it could cause a brain implosion. A lot of people cringed when those dumbasses spoke, but I, for one, encouraged it. You are the best part of class, hopeless idiot who will one day die tasting bleach, or wandering onto an interstate. You keep being you.

A student in my friend’s veterinarian program wanted to know what would grow if you planted popcorn kernels outside – AllyGambit

A girl in my English class wrote that legalizing gay marriage will create “800 million new jobs in the United States.” – 910bigfathen

“The leader of North Korea looks like Psy. What’s his name ? Like Genghis Khan or something ?” – EggmanJunior

“Why did they bring slaves from Africa when they could have gotten black people from the Caribbean?” – African Studies class – afrocanadian

“It was wrong to use the atom bombs in Japan. Imagine how many Americans we killed, like all the people vacationing there at the time” – Tybodsm

“so ‘cat’ is the past tense of ‘cut’ right? Like, ‘I cat myself with my knife.'” – ersant

“I survived Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS as a baby.” – RavingRadish

During an International Business class, during a chapter on Mainland China: “Why do we have to study about ching-chongs anyway?” She went on to argue with my Chinese prof about Chinese culture. – assesundermonocles

Middle of an exam: “Is this being graded?” I kid you not. – fokg29

There was a guy I went to high school with who announced, during our college level Western Civilization class, “Ancient history is bull shit. All those pictures of ruins and fossils is all fake. If I haven’t seen it for myself then it isn’t real.” He was dead serious. – Snarky_Snickerdoodle

“Is longitude the one with the globe, or the one with the mountains?” She apparently confused longitude with latitude and, by extension, altitude. – RikVanguard

We were asked in basic econ what was a public good that we use almost everyday. No one answered, so the teacher hinted with, “it is delivered monday through saturday”. Immediately the girl sitting next to me yelled, “Sidewalks!?”. Everyone was silent, and I was trying my hardest to not laugh. – Gary_l_collins

A girl in an Arab-Israeli history class once asked why Israel did not do more to help out the Jews during World War II. – KingintheNorth212

In an anthropology class I once took, we were discussing cultural specific disorders – i.e. anorexia and bulimia in western cultures. In some Asian cultures there is a disorder called Koro where the male has delusions of penis shrinkage and retraction into the body. This kid yells out “oh no wonder Asians have such small penises” There was an Asian dude sitting next to him that just turned to him and said “You bastard”. – changemytampon

I was in an American History course and we were discussing the 1930’s (and had been for a number of classes) when a girl who sat up front, who always arrived early and took very eager notes, raised her hand and asked… “What’s an F.D.R.?” – DoctorStein

Day after the a student committed suicide on campus. I heard some girl say ” I wish more asians would kill themselves more so my major would be less competitive”. – udub18

n my french class there was a boy who asked, “How do babies from France learn to speak french? How is that possible when they’re just infants?”..he seemed to assume every baby, everywhere.. was simply born speaking English. And the look on his face when our teacher tried to explain this was not the case was just heartbreaking. His mind was blown that day. – silkyroidrage

Feel free to share your own in the comments.

[via Reddit]

  1. RememberTheAlamo

    Girl in my animal science class thought artificial insemination meant you used a robot to impregnate the animals.

    10 years ago at 11:11 am
  2. Vecchio

    Girl in my physics class argued with the teacher that on the South Pole, gravity flips and objects move upwards when dropped and that is why no one lives there… I don’t know how far she is going to make it as an engineering major

    10 years ago at 1:02 pm
  3. Pansybransy

    One girl truly though that Alaska and Hawaii were south of California, since that’s how they are usually placed on maps for the sake of space.

    10 years ago at 3:20 pm
    1. House of Tards

      A girl at my high school thought this in 10th grade. I had a crush on her before this so needless to say after her comment I held somewhat mixed emotions.

      9 years ago at 6:41 am
    2. sunnyand65

      Same thing at my high school. Dumb bitch thought alaska was an island because it’s usually placed near hawaii in its own little box on the map. That’s what the financial aid went to…

      9 years ago at 3:16 pm
  4. NightriderNoisewater

    A girl in my high school literature class thought that when we see the moon in different shapes it was caused by cloud cover. And that the moon is our second source of light since it, “like makes light on it’s own” and it’s the night version of the sun. She was asking because she, “Isn’t good at this chemistry stuff.”

    10 years ago at 6:23 pm
  5. Texas Tux and Oil

    Heard a girl on the phone in a dorm elevator say this “what do you mean she got a pet leopard, what’s she gonna do when it grows into a tiger”.

    10 years ago at 7:50 pm
  6. YoureMyTFMblue

    Had a guy in my astronomy class ask if anybody had ever landed on the the moon when it was “in the banana shape.” My professor took it in stride and responded with “Apollo 10 was supposed to be the first to land on the moon but it was a crescent moon and they missed the target. Luckily it was a full moon for Apollo 11’s successful landing”

    10 years ago at 11:19 pm
  7. roundrockdonuts

    Just saw neighbors. It fucking sucked. Millions of plot holes and each fraternity member was dressed like a GDI.

    10 years ago at 12:13 am
  8. lillylover123

    “But wait, why is sin0 = 0?”
    which wouldn’t be that bad except he was a third year engineering student

    10 years ago at 12:26 am
  9. JamesonJackson

    While reading Seabiscuit in an English class, the teacher took a moment to ask the class if anyone had ever been to a horse race or perhaps the dog tracks. A girl responded in terror, “THEY RIDE DOGS???” Our teacher calmly responded, “Oh yes, and you thought horse jockeys were small…”

    10 years ago at 3:41 am