"I think I'm just going to stay here." TFM.

  1. duckdog

    Dear High School Kids on this Site,

    Learn the Greek Alphabet, it’s a small leg up to know this before pledging.


    Pi Kappa Alpha = Pike, PiKA, Butt Chugger
    Pi Kappa Phi = PiKapp,

    12 years ago at 11:01 am
    1. TheseColorsDontRun

      ^Giving advice to your peers, I like it. You’ll be a fine PCP one day, champ.

      12 years ago at 5:54 pm
    2. Loafer

      Props to you for informing children about the difference between the ass chugging dickweeds we all love to hate so much, and a relatively decent fraternity. Respect.

      12 years ago at 9:40 pm
  2. I do whatever I want

    If you can’t tell the difference between phi and and alpha in Greek, you’re a GDI or a high schooler. If you didn’t notice that the crest is pi kapp’s and not pike’s, you need to get it together. If you didn’t see that phi was written out in English, you’re fucking retarded.

    12 years ago at 6:24 pm
  3. Pee Buttermore

    Fuck all these high schoolers and GDI’s trying to be frat from reading this site like a bible, if you are over 15 and have to refer to TFM on how to be a fraternity man you are a try hard that was raised by some fucking piece of shit GDI parents and will never really understand what it is about. If you go on southern tide and order on more fucking blue fish red fish bowtie to wear to your prom I will find you, and I will shit on your moms chest.

    12 years ago at 12:27 am