GDI shitwagon thought it could park on my street. TFM.

  1. brocephus1865

    ya man, you got him good. GDIs need to stop parking on our streets, they all just make me want to flick off a camera and poor beer on my own car out of confusion and rage

    14 years ago at 8:19 pm
  2. Is it 2012 yet

    Pouring one minuscule beer on the car… NF.

    You could have at least poured it into the cabin air inlet to make their whole car smell like stale beer.

    14 years ago at 8:46 pm
    1. Fratfaced

      I don’t think so. I live downtown and the bushes etc. aren’t that green yet.

      Saratoga, FaF.

      14 years ago at 9:52 pm
  3. Wilco Frat

    Has anyone else noticed how long his shorts are? I should see at least a couple inches of leg above the thigh…no homo.

    14 years ago at 9:48 pm
    1. old line state

      it’s tough to find shorts that don’t go past the knees when you are that short.

      14 years ago at 8:53 am