1. The Waltz

      Third one from left is a no. Third from right is a god yes. Other than that, you got it.

      14 years ago at 3:23 pm
    2. NaBroleon Complex

      2nd in from the left and 2nd in from the right are no’s…Other than that, TFTC and damn sure TDTC!

      14 years ago at 12:54 am
  1. Brommander in Chief

    0,0,1,1, drunk 1, 0, 1

    Binary scale gentleman cuts down on confusion from the 1-10 rating

    14 years ago at 10:05 am
  2. The Fratchelor

    How is this, by any means fratty? A bunch of new york jews, really? Get your shit together intern, these pictures are pathetic..

    14 years ago at 11:07 am
    1. FratwallJackson

      Well since you’re a dude that uses multiple letters in his words to sound cute, I guess I’ll take your word for it. I’m sure you know fedora fashion.

      14 years ago at 12:38 pm
    1. Pinky Lee

      Ditto. Cheetah print, fedoras, monokinis, and huge gold hoop earrings…at a pool that’s got a ton of high rises behind it? That’s only srat if you’re in vegas at a guido themed mixer.

      14 years ago at 7:11 am
    1. AlphaFratGuy

      ^^You are sexy but your friend on the far right, I’d love to make her my trophy wife

      13 years ago at 10:15 am