Combating Your House’s Dipping Problem
There’s nothing wrong with throwing in a lip every now and then, but one day you might find that most of your house is addicted to the stuff. While this doesn’t seem like a big deal on the surface, take a minute to think of the problems this can cause. At some point, you won’t even be able to walk into your house without getting a violent head rush out of sheer habit. It will also make your house dirtier as a whole, as well as bring about the ire of sorority women (I know, who cares). If you’ve found that your house has a severe dipping problem, there are a few ways to try to make the situation better.
Try to incentivize the process of quitting chew. One way of doing this is to see who can go cold-turkey the longest. One of your concerns might be that someone could be secretly dipping the whole time, but there is an easy way to see through this. If someone is actually quitting dip cold-turkey, they’re going to be pissed off most of the time. Anything less than a constant irritable attitude should be cause for suspicion, and grounds for disqualification. It might seem like the reward for the winner should be anything other than more tobacco, but go ahead and give them a log. They’ve earned it.
Ban It
That’s right, go scorched earth and just ban dip in your house altogether. This will be tough to pull off, and for it to work you need to assemble a veritable gestapo of brothers to keep an eye out for rule-breakers. This will be very similar to the war on drugs that kicked off in the 1980s. By that, I mean that you’ll be devoting a lot of time and energy to something that ultimately won’t work for shit. The most that you can hope to accomplish out of this is to drive chew usage into the underground, where it won’t be as noticeable. Try to convince yourself that you and your crew of dip Nazis are doing this for the greater good of the house.
Aversion Therapy
What if there were some way that you could make your brothers hate dipping? The next time one of them is blackout drunk at a party, keep offering them a dip over and over again throughout the night. If you give them enough, they’ll eventually get sick and not want to dip for quite some time. Another way to do this is to find a brother who is very persuadable when drunk, then get a few guys to dare him to put in a whole can at once. If he vomits and chooses to lay off dip for a while, your plan has worked. If he does it with no problem, he’s a fucking monster.
Party On, Wayne
Fuck it, your house is Copenhagen’s third-largest client in the whole state. It was naive to think that you could make any difference at all, and you must come to terms with the fact that your house has a major problem. You should probably just take up dipping now. Start off with throwing in a lip here and there, and you can be up to a tin a day by this fall. By next year, you’ll be driving a semi-truck and brashly explaining your political views over Thanksgiving dinner. .
There is no such thing as a problem, just new opportunities.
9 years ago at 4:08 pmGovernor Jerry Brown signed bills making the new legal age to buy tabacco in California, 21. I was planning to quit dip but now I feel the need to stock up before the bills enacted. #fuckthissocialiststate
9 years ago at 4:08 pmExactly why we need the state of Jefferson. Unless you’re from Southern California, in that case you should just relocate.
9 years ago at 4:43 pmYeah. SoCal. Definitely moving to Texas in the future though.
9 years ago at 9:12 pmAs long as you’re not one of those dipshit San Francisco types that have made Austin and Dallas liberal cesspools you’re welcome.
9 years ago at 1:19 amI live in the Bay Area and I can’t wait to get the fuck out of here
9 years ago at 10:40 pmIt fucking sucks in the Bay Area, everybody is a liberal and would rather watch America Bern than anything else. Us republicans keep to ourselves but once one of these SJWs find out we lean right, we’re suddenly the devil’s spawn that popped out of Satan’s butt crack. Fuck this shit.
9 years ago at 6:40 amI already brashly explain my political views over Thanksgiving Dinner.
9 years ago at 4:11 pmBut people are less likely to argue with your political views if every time you start to raise your voice little Copenhagen flakes start flying onto the food.
9 years ago at 4:41 pm^
9 years ago at 6:35 pmdid jtrain wise up and quit?
9 years ago at 4:12 pmYou cant make someone quit. If its not that person’s decision to quit it wont happen
9 years ago at 4:25 pmI’m going to pray by my bed tonight, on my knees like you see in the movies. That you never become a pledge trainer. Aspire to be something more reachable for yourself, like a used care salesman.
9 years ago at 4:49 pmBan dipping? Sure, why not. While your at it you might as well confiscate my guns, pills and porn. Fuck you.
9 years ago at 4:26 pmMy love hate is at an all time high with the stuff
9 years ago at 4:27 pmNone of these will work. Especially not banning it. I want a refund on the last minute of my life.
9 years ago at 4:28 pmNobody actually quits, it’s just a relapse in judgement.
9 years ago at 4:35 pmThis country was built on dip
9 years ago at 4:41 pmYou’re the best $7.35 I spend (fuck you, Minnesota sin taxes)
9 years ago at 7:34 am