“Commenter Of The Week” Coming Soon


Many of you have been asking us to bring back our “Comments of the Week” feature. We’re not going to do that, mostly because it’s a bitch to put together. Sifting through hundreds upon hundreds of comments and screenshotting and organizing all of it — it takes forever.

We are, however, starting a different spin on this: Commenter of the Week.

Each week, a commenter will be chosen as our Commenter of the Week, and he (or she) will get his very own feature that runs on Thursday. We will highlight your comments from that week, talk about them, and maybe try to diagnose your apparent psychiatric condition. ALSO, and this part is exciting, before this even happens, I will reach out to you via email for an interview. I will send you a series of questions to answer, and I will share those answers in the article.

We also might, MIGHT, give you 30 seconds on the TFM podcast to say whatever you want.

This week’s Commenter of the Week is CantDriveDixieDown. CantDriveDixieDown, please email me to receive your interview questions.

  1. JimmyBuffet

    Although I haven’t seen him on here in awhile, can I retroactively nominate Frabst?

    8 years ago at 3:24 pm