Continuing The Tradition, Nearly 400 Students Arrested The First Weekend Back At Arizona State
Hundreds were arrested over the weekend at Arizona State. Sounds oddly familiar–I’m having some serious déjà vu with this story.
That’s right, after a record-shattering year for arrests during the first three weeks of school in 2013, Arizona State has started the 2014 campaign right on track.
From The Huffington Post:
A police task force focusing on Arizona State University student partying made 392 arrests over the weekend, the Phoenix New Times reports.
Nearly all of the arrests by the Tempe, Arizona task force were for DUIs or underaged drinking. One incident involved partiers throwing beer bottles at police from atop a high rise apartment, according to the Arizona Republic.
Arizona State has quite the tradition to uphold, and this new crop of students and returning Sun Devils didn’t disappoint. If they’re following suit with last year, the next few weeks ahead of us should bring in plenty more jail time.
Gorgeous women and arrest records: that’s what Arizona State does.
[via The Huffington Post]
10 years ago at 6:11 pm^this is the attitude that got you here in the first place man… Control yourselves out there.. or don’t. The rest of us are enjoying a good chuckle about all this. Looking forward to next weekends installment.
10 years ago at 6:41 pmFuck UofA, shit head.
10 years ago at 11:38 pmIntellipleasekillyourself and AZ W, I’m positive I hate you both.
Call sign, you’re alright.
10 years ago at 9:09 pmImpressive
10 years ago at 6:33 pmTodd Storms on a rapage
10 years ago at 6:43 pmRampage you illiterate fuck
10 years ago at 6:47 pmRapage still sounds appropriate somehow…
10 years ago at 6:52 pmFunny how the arrest totals over weeks of violent protesting and looting in Ferguson MO are still fewer than one debauched weekend at ASU.
10 years ago at 6:51 pmWhat was the name of that one Arizona state girl that did porn last year. The was an article on her but forgot her name.
10 years ago at 6:55 pmI’m almost positive there’s been more than one
10 years ago at 8:03 pmI’m almost positive you assholes have bigger problems if you believe the backstories of the girls on casting couches
10 years ago at 9:12 pmHalf the girls from backroom casting couch say they go to ASU
10 years ago at 8:19 pmAnd this is why our administration murdered our Greek Life.
10 years ago at 6:57 pmI just hope more ASU chicks decide to go partying naked this year….. Get your sailboats ready, TFM!
10 years ago at 7:05 pmFind a new asu pic. These girls graduated 4 years ago
10 years ago at 7:28 pmHey i’m just over here impressed that you even know them.
10 years ago at 8:25 pmHappy to help you play the “where are they now” Instagram handle name if you are interested
10 years ago at 1:13 amSounds creepy and perverted… I’m in.
10 years ago at 1:37 amWhat does an airhead do after graduating from Arizona State? Model on instagram until she gets pregnant?
10 years ago at 1:59 pmAnswer: Who fucking cares.
10 years ago at 8:54 pmAnd Crow thought he could kill ASU’s party image by tearing down Greek Row.
10 years ago at 2:25 amCrow is literally the asshole dean from every college movie in the past 50 yrs. Except instead of hating one frat, he hates them all.
Fuck him.
10 years ago at 9:01 pmfraternity*
Fuck you.
10 years ago at 2:59 pmCall the article Total Arrest Move…. boom new column
10 years ago at 11:16 am