Could The Washington Reagans Really Happen?

Illustration via Alexander Hunter/ The Washington Times
Illustration via Alexander Hunter/ The Washington Times

In a word, no–it’s not going to happen. But a social media proposal of the much-maligned Redskins’ name change to the Washington Reagans is gaining some internet discussion, even if it’s only for fun.

The prevailing argument for the proposed name is simple: Why the fuck not? If there’s a figure who deserves this kind of recognition and esteem, it’s gotta be Reagan. President Reagan is among the most beloved of the former United States presidents. He was likable, a true patriot, a fine leader, a brilliant economist, and an all-around awesome man. As an added bonus, he has a football background.

From The Washington Times:

In his autobiography “An American Life” (1990), the former president discussed his days as captain of his high school football team. He played tackle and guard, and personally described it as “probably a marriage made in heaven.” In his view, it was “as fundamental as anything in life — a collision between two bodies, one determined to advance, the other determined to resist; one man against another man, blocking, tackling, breaking through the line.”

When Reagan attended Eureka College in Illinois, he played guard on the varsity football team — and lettered three times. He also starred in the 1940 biographical film “Knute Rockne: All American” as George Gipp. (If you’ve ever wondered about the origin of Reagan’s popular campaign slogan “Win one for the Gipper,” look no further.)

And finally, Redskins’ owner Dan Snyder is a well-known Republican. It’s just too good to be true.

[via The Washington Times]

  1. Frat Albert


    “In a word, no”

    Wow Dorno great fucking article

    10 years ago at 12:41 pm
      1. Frat Albert

        Yes I forgot the “-it’s not going to happen”, the “only just for fun”, and the “too good to be true”

        10 years ago at 12:50 pm
  2. Delts4Bush

    It’s a shame that of all the things going wrong in this country, all the news cares about is the “racist” name of an NFL team

    10 years ago at 12:43 pm
  3. Lord Caleb

    Best president and the first president to have his name as a sports mascot? Make it happen people.

    10 years ago at 12:48 pm
  4. prex8390

    Too much confusion between the team and the Washington Reagan airport. Would never work

    10 years ago at 12:50 pm
  5. Minor Milikan

    “Dorn likes little boys.” Your so fucking original man. I haven’t seen that before on this site.

    10 years ago at 1:00 pm
    1. Shibby

      Calling someone out for not being original. I haven’t seen that before on this site.

      10 years ago at 1:55 pm
      1. Shibby

        Calling someone out, for calling a dude out, for calling some kid named “buttchugg” out, for calling out Dorn because he “allegedly” loved young boys in a McDonalds. Like I haven’t seen that scenario a million times. Last time I read it I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur.

        10 years ago at 9:35 pm
  6. 420hazeit

    Ok. Yes, TFM has changed certain things throughouy the USA, but, I will tell you this. Here in The South…its always been this way. The Strong conservative/republican point of view, the way we dress, the early tee times, 5in inseams, drinking good whisky, chugging cheap beer, loving Reagan, loving Bush Sr/Jr, dipping a can of good ole’ tobacco, getting our coolers and jizzcannon done by “well off, gorgeous,daddy issues” Southern-belles, knowing how to rage on a cold, calm night in the dead of winter. Knowing how to master a tailgate EVERY SINGLE Saturday. See, we have had these traditions for years. If you were in the right Fraternity (or even knew the right crowd) you would already have known all of this. I know this may seem “cliché” but being fratty is something you slowly mold into throughout your whole life. Mainly because of the way you were raised. So with all of this being said, I think I can speak of the Beautiful South/SEC that TFM has not at all changed anything in my fraternity, they only have magnified what we do. Frat on good sirs. Long live The South.

    10 years ago at 4:05 pm