Craigslist Ad Seeks Two Hot Females To Work Fantasy Football Draft, Preferably Topless

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Tired of hosting your fantasy football draft at the local Hooters? Want to spice up this year’s draft with a little bit of a twist? If you want, you can pull a page out of Andre Nowzick’s book and host your party in Vegas, complete with Ochocinco.

That could be expensive for some of you, so why not do what this man did? He’s making a trip to New York soon and is in dire need of entertainment for his league’s draft. He’s looking for two females who are willing to run the draft board (Isn’t that what last place is for, being sticker bitch?) to serve the group beer and food while wearing either bikinis, lingerie, or the girls’ choice of a sexy outfit. Or, of course, if you want to make some serious cash, just be a stripper without the title.

From Craigslist:

The job includes running the draft board, getting guys drinks, and of course doing it all in a bikini, or lingerie or some sexy outfit of your choice. We are not too picky. We do not hire strippers for the event because some of the guys are older and have wives and kids and feel a little weird HOWEVER we will tip and some of the guys will tip if you push the envelope. If you want to go topless that is your incentive and I’m sure you could make good tips doing it but it is not expected.

Absolutely NO strippers allowed, but please go ahead and strip and we’ll tip you even better for it. Very contradictory. I understand his logic, though–the older men can tell the ol’ ball and chain that there will be zero strippers present while still getting the same experience. Classic smoke and mirrors trick to tell a woman.

The compensation for their work is actually pretty good. They are guaranteed to make $150 for about four hours of work, and if they show some skin, they can make a lot of tips. Unfortunately, I’ve seen the women in upstate New York, so maybe he should consider some imports.

[via Craigslist]

  1. Fratwurst Sausage

    It’s already been flagged for removal. Guess the wives found out about the loophole.

    10 years ago at 5:59 pm
    1. Cabbieshack

      I shudder to think what a free stripper would look like. I’ve seen some paid ones I’d pay to put on their best turtle neck and leave the building. Definitely not sorority material.

      10 years ago at 7:02 pm
  2. JohnFradden

    A 3 button blazer with no tie and an indoor selfie with sun glasses on. Oh yeah, the girls are going to swarm.

    10 years ago at 7:03 pm