Crazy Ex Sells Deployed Soldier’s Dog On Craigslist

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We all have our share of crazy exes (and we are thankful for the ability to block numbers) but this Colorado girl takes crazy to a whole new level. Robert Gabbert, who is proudly serving our country halfway across the world in Afghanistan, found out through family that his ex sold his dog, Baxter, on Craigslist.

From NY Daily News:

He left his beloved dog Baxter with his girlfriend, who apparently got tired of caring for the pup and sold him on Craigslist without telling Gabbert, who is still serving overseas.

This chick sounds like the Casey Anthony for dogs. Girls love dogs. That is science. How could a rational female get tired of watching a dog? Fortunately for Gabbert, his family launched a search and rescue operation to locate Baxter’s new owners. The new owners, however, aren’t in a rush to return him.

But Baxter’s new owners are reluctant to part with the dog, saying he is part of their family and adored by their two children. Both families are trying to negotiate an agreement.

Gabbert should be greeted with some good news, though, as both parties have come to an agreement that will ensure he is reunited with Baxter upon his return from duty.

According to KOAA 5’s Facebook:

We just got word from organizers of the “Help Bring Baxter Home 2014” Facebook page that they have the family’s word that Baxter will be returned to Robby. They are still reaching an agreement, but the Facebook page has been removed at the family’s request.

Thankfully the family is showing some compassion. There are certain things in a man’s world that you just don’t mess with, and selling man’s best friend is high on that list, along with freedom and bourbon. Speaking of which, Mr. Gabbert, thank you for your sacrifice, service, and for defending our freedom. If our paths should ever cross, the bourbon is on me.

[via NY Daily News]

Image via Facebook

  1. Teddy Fucking Roosevelt

    Sell a man’s best friend while he puts his life on the line for you and every other person in his nation? How do you young people say….”You done fucked up now.”

    10 years ago at 4:37 pm
  2. DornFromMajorLeague

    Man that’s worse than if she would have just punted Baxter off a bridge

    10 years ago at 4:52 pm
    1. GoldenBear17

      why did this get lapped?

      It was a quote from probably the best thing written on the site

      10 years ago at 8:46 pm
      1. DiscoDusty_1855

        Don’t question your laps. Put your head down like a man and come back tomorrow to try again.

        10 years ago at 8:56 pm