Dan Bilzerian Donates Truck Full (Literally) Of Toys To Children

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Poker player, millionaire, United States military veteran, playboy, iconic beard wearer, naked porn star vagina thrower, and humanitarian–Dan Bilzerian is a jack of all trades. That’s how I wish Dan would have answered the first gentleman who asked him what his “business” was (seen in video).

This clip is hot off the press and provides zero background information, but Blitz is shown donating a U-Haul truck full of toys at a fire station for what we can assume is a local toy drive for less fortunate children. Here it is:

What a guy. Also sorta relevant but not really relevant at all, Dan posted the below photo on Instagram today.

What a day for Dan.

  1. » Dan Bilzerian Does Something Wild Again, This Time For The Children

    […] H/T TFM […]

    10 years ago at 6:30 pm
  2. ISUGreek

    I’ll take his second hand toys when he’s done with them.. Toys as in the girls he plays with…

    10 years ago at 7:16 pm
  3. Frat Albert

    If I were one of those kids I personally would be a little disappointed that I didn’t get to throw pornstars off of roofs with Dan

    10 years ago at 7:40 pm