Dan Bilzerian Will Post Tits And Vagina On Twitter Because He’s “Rich” And Doesn’t “Give A Fuck”

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Dan Bilzerian posted three very NSFW photos on his Twitter account today. The first one shows two very naked women getting friendly in a shower together, the second one displays some bare D-cups with “DAN” written on them with sunscreen, and the third one, which has been removed, showed an up-close beav-ass combo shot.

Dan’s publicist did what a good publicist does–he told Dan that his new Twitter hobby was probably not the best idea.

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That settles that.

[via Twitter]

      1. JohnnyDickshot

        It would be an actual fine crafted wooden cabinet filled with absurdly expensive liquor and assault weapons.

        10 years ago at 2:36 pm
    1. Cottonmouth

      No he like vodka-sodas but he keeps plenty of Mikes around in case a less experienced drinker, perhaps a young, lithe boy of southeast Asian descent, might like to try one.

      10 years ago at 10:53 pm
  1. Paul Walking Dead

    His brand is hanging out with naked dime pieces. I’m pretty sure if he stopped he’d be a lot worse off.

    10 years ago at 3:11 pm
  2. googlicious

    What a pretentious fucking douchebag. Someone needs to slap some sense and responsibility into his dumb ass before he “accidentally” murders innocent people or otherwise ruins their lives while doing something totally reckless because he’s “rich and doesn’t give a fuck” and gets away with it because of our two-way justice system.

    10 years ago at 3:43 pm
      1. googlicious

        Let me guess, you’re a sad piece of shit rich boy sympathizer, if not some rich asswipe yourself, who thinks every problem can be fixed by throwing money around? I hope you filthy degenerate scum rot in a dungeon cell some day, you fuckers are the problem in the world.

        10 years ago at 10:10 am
    1. The_Sherminator

      He went through navy seal training and could kill you and then afford to send your body to the moon out of sheer bordom. This man is FaF.

      10 years ago at 5:49 pm