Dan Bilzerian Will Post Tits And Vagina On Twitter Because He’s “Rich” And Doesn’t “Give A Fuck”

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Dan Bilzerian posted three very NSFW photos on his Twitter account today. The first one shows two very naked women getting friendly in a shower together, the second one displays some bare D-cups with “DAN” written on them with sunscreen, and the third one, which has been removed, showed an up-close beav-ass combo shot.

Dan’s publicist did what a good publicist does–he told Dan that his new Twitter hobby was probably not the best idea.

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That settles that.

[via Twitter]

  1. 90_proof

    Mike’s Hard Lemonade wouldn’t back out anyway because Bilzerian gives them the only kind of publicity that their target market would pay any attention to.

    10 years ago at 4:18 pm
  2. ICBombers

    Blitz might wear cargos but thats because those pockets are filled with guns ammo and 25k bellagio flags.

    10 years ago at 6:30 pm