Daughter Of Bucks Co-Owner Is Really Attractive, Steals The Draft Lottery Show

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Mallory Edens, the daughter of Milwaukee Bucks co-owner Wesley Edens, had a casual 249 Twitter followers yesterday. After appearing live on national television during the NBA Draft Lottery, she shot up to more than 10,000 followers in one hour. As of 1:55 p.m. today, she has 36,170 followers and is still gaining them quickly. Go follow her now (@MedensEdens). Everyone else fucking is. Homegirl will pass me before dinner.

Such bullshit. Hot girls gain fame way too easily. If you’re a girl, you literally only need these three things to become famous: 1) be hot, 2) appear on television, and 3) be identified while on screen. The third requirement is crucial. Either your name has to appear on screen or a commentator has to name you. If those three things are in place, just sit back and wait for the glory. It makes me sick. I hate hot girls.

This also means, and I’m sorry to say it, you’ll have to face the realization that you’re unattractive if the latter two of the requirements are in place and fame doesn’t find you soon after. It means you swung and missed on number one. It’s a cruel world–one where hot people do nothing and get noticed and the uglies just get forgotten.

Follower check: Mallory now has 36,750 at 2:24 p.m. She’ll catch me before I leave work. Hate this chick. Rich, hot, and now famous–the trifecta.

Image via YouTube

  1. Hey Rodge, she’ll definitely go for you if you tweet at her like Jen and the Biebs. I got your back.

    10 years ago at 2:26 pm
    1. JohnDalyShow

      Now I’d usually say I’d like to disappoint her father, but he seems like a pretty influential man

      10 years ago at 4:22 pm
  2. YoureMyTFMblue

    Daughter of Kings owner was also a babe worth checking out: Anjali Ranadive

    10 years ago at 4:14 pm