Dear Fall Pledge

Dear fall pledge,

You probably spent all summer basking in the glorious notion that you’ll soon be a college man. Free to skip class, drink and get blowjobs all-day and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about it. Right? Wrong. See, I was a spring pledge. This means that while you experienced an entire summer of rush fun in the sun, I spent an entire winter feeling like an unnecessary second-rate citizen. While I spent my first semester in a dark cave of self-loathing, wondering if I should hurl myself from the balcony because I decided not to pledge in the fall, you’ll spend your first semester soaking up the spittle that ejects from my mouth when I roar. For the rest of my life I’ll wear the “spring douche” label proudly like a scarlet letter, and with this label comes great anger. Finally, I have someone to take that anger out on. You.

Enjoy these last days of rush, my little friend, because soon the time for smiling and laughing will come to a violently abrupt end. Since my recent initiation, even during your recruitment, my pledge brothers and I have been treated like lower class peons, forced to do bitch work at rush events and participate in activities the senior members want nothing to do with. I had to set up tents and pretend I appreciate people, just so you could enjoy yourself before the charade ends and the reality check begins. Do you know how painful it was for me to force a smile, look you in the eye, and shake your scrawny hand? Do you know how badly I wanted to unsheathe my paddle and use it to wipe that despicable look of self-entitlement off your fucking face? Not to worry. Your days are numbered. A cruel mob of degenerates known as The Spring ‘11 Class are going to be doing whiskey bongs before your line ups, then stomping in, foaming at the mouth and demanding blood. Try not to cry. This is your life now. It’ll all be over in a short 16 weeks. Not counting hell week. At least you have Christmas break. Maybe.

By the way, we elected The Ultimate Warrior as pledge trainer. He’s been doubling his ‘roid dosage and smoking joints laced with PCP preparing for your arrival.

Spring Pledge


    1. Mr_P

      What if campus enforces deferred recruitment and the first semester freshmen can pledge is spring?

      13 years ago at 10:52 am
    1. Brovis Love III

      jb (junior brother) is better. lets them know they’re not even really brothers yet. at least until the next set is initiated.

      13 years ago at 6:04 pm
    2. theomega1204

      Fucking new guys, I hate them all and our school only has a spring pledge class so the new guys get a full year of being fucked with.

      13 years ago at 7:59 pm
    3. pat mcRoch

      yea, our JI’s cant haze or do shit for the first quarter. This dude, needs to go fuck himself for a a few weeks…

      13 years ago at 9:48 pm
    4. LassiePiKA

      We used to call them nibs, newly initiated brothers. You can replace brothers with gentlemen too.

      13 years ago at 7:00 am
    1. older row

      haha if Fratsville is really a rush I hope someone wipes the smirk off his face but all the same, I like his attitude

      13 years ago at 5:22 pm
    2. whiskeyriver

      Can the TFM intern put his IP address up so i’ll know if he”s one of my pledges next year?

      13 years ago at 7:16 pm
    3. pappy van winkle

      I miss the gold ol days when high schoolers weren’t on this site. Back when you made up your name as you posted and didn’t have to register to post on the site. I’m curious though, which unfortunate Florida school will you be attending ?

      13 years ago at 8:30 pm
    4. booze haze slam

      probably a community school for a trade like gator cleaning or working in a gas station.

      13 years ago at 9:02 pm
    5. The Frat Czar

      Whiskey, how do you plan on using his IP address to find out if he’s your pledge? Does your university supply fraternities with a list of rushee’s home IP addresses? That seems rather unnecessary.

      13 years ago at 10:34 pm
    6. pappy van winkle

      Well you can look up the IP address (Miramar, FL) and then see if anyone from Miramar rushes your chapter in the Fall. That is, assuming he actually gave us his IP address.

      13 years ago at 11:23 pm
    7. high kapp

      Hey Fratsville_FL, you should say that to brothers during lineups. They’ll take it easier on you.

      13 years ago at 12:25 am
    8. whiskeyriver

      Pappy Van Winkle had it right. Or this kid could just tell us all where he’s going to school next year and his name to make it easier to “strengthen the bonds of brotherhood” as he so eloquently put it.

      13 years ago at 8:19 am
    9. whiskeyriver

      You’re lucky you’re not coming to tallahassee because you’d be fucked. But i’ll spread the word to my buddies in hogtown to look out for a pussy from Miramar that is “super fratty”

      13 years ago at 2:16 pm
    10. Big Slim

      Wow… “You’re lucky you’re not coming to Tallahassee”. Mr. Fratsville, I agree. You’re very lucky.

      13 years ago at 12:53 am
    11. The Tradition

      This guy is probably a troll. But deep down, I hope he’s a pledge. A cocky little pledge.

      13 years ago at 12:54 am
    12. The Tradition

      I can guarentee Greek life in Tally is better than whatever shithole school you’re going to. But seriously, if you come to Tallahassee, you might just enjoy some cross-fraternity hazing judging by the previous posts. I’ll certainly be on the lookout for some cocky kid from Miramar.

      13 years ago at 4:09 am
  1. KSig1869

    Evidently after reading this letter, you’re STILL “self-loathing” and butthurt!

    13 years ago at 3:27 pm
    1. Damn Right

      Damn, I thought I was the only person who watched more than 2 episodes of that show

      13 years ago at 1:13 pm
  2. Fratsthal

    there’s funny shit to read about new pledges and then there’s gay shit. this was totally the gay kind of shit. almost as gay as the kid saying “bring it”

    13 years ago at 3:42 pm