Devil Statue Rocking A Full Blast Boner Erected Near Train Station

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A statue of the devil rocking a full blast hard-on just randomly showed up outside a Vancouver train station. On Tuesday, this piece of art caught the attention of plenty of commuters, as the 9-foot statue stands atop a pedestal right by the VCC/Clark Drive SkyTrain station.

From Yahoo News Canada:

A statue of the devil erected along the Grandview Highway at Clark Drive near the Skytrain line early Tuesday was turning heads all day. Skytrain riders couldn’t miss it. After the sightings blew up on Twitter, dozens of people came by to have a look.

The city of Vancouver was apparently unaware of the newly erected statue.

The Columbus statue hasn’t actually been on the pedestal since 2012, leaving ample opportunity for these devil-dick-worshipping vandals to strike.

The statue has since been removed and placed in the furthest depths of the Vancouver city dump, since no one has claimed this prized possession.

[via Yahoo News Canada]

  1. Capitalist_Gentleman

    If Michael Sam punches his guido boyfriend in an elevator, what would the NFL do?

    10 years ago at 11:50 am
  2. Fratmiral Nelson

    All of the people interviewed for this make me feel pretty damn lucky to not be Canadian

    10 years ago at 11:54 am
  3. SuckMyDeke

    Kind of wish it was a guy in red body paint, perpetually turned on by his public nudity

    10 years ago at 1:39 pm