disaster shelter sex

Is Disaster Shelter Sex Chill Or Not Chill?

disaster shelter sex

I would like to preface this article by saying our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by Hurricane Harvey and to those on the East Coast who are currently dealing with Hurricane Irma. Please stay safe, and try to help others if you can.

A video posted last week of two people doing the dirty in a disaster shelter has shown the world that you can find love in all the wrong places. It also begs the question: is shelter sex a power move or the ultimate act of disrespect? Noted flat earth truther and once famous rapper B.o.B chimed in on the conversation in a conversation with TMZ:

It depends on who’s around. As long as there aint no young ones around you’ll be straight.

So the question still stands: is fucking in a disaster shelter a power move? I’m going to start off by saying it is not a power move. I shouldn’t even have to explain why it’s not. But I will say to those out there bashing these hot and bothered survivors, can you blame them? I know if I’m stuck in a building with hundreds of strangers, the clothes on my back, and a cot to sleep on, I’m getting my freak-a-leek on just to pass the time. What better way to get over your depression and boredom than taking a dive into your girl’s juice box?

On that note, has anyone even considered the reasoning behind this couple’s public porking? What if the poor guy was away on business for two weeks, waiting to make sweet, sweet love to his sexually frustrated wife upon his return? He picked up flowers and chocolates, but came home to hear that he had to immediately pack up everything he could and move into a disaster shelter until the storm passed. It took him a few sexless days to get everything in order until they finally made it to the shelter.

After a few days inside, the two were emotionally spent and needed something to cheer them up. They knew it was wrong, but they needed this to save their relationship. This public display of affection was exactly what they needed to spice up their waning sex life, too. They both knew it wouldn’t take long for each to finish; it had been close to three weeks since they’d last made love. In an act of desperation, they did the deed under an itchy rescue blanket on a twin-sized cot, praying that no one would expose them. After the act, they realized that all they needed in this hard time was each other.

We can all learn from these two brave souls. In times of desperation, all you need is each other and a dirty twin-sized cot.

[via TMZ]

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