Do You Agree With This List Of The 50 Best Universities In The World?

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I have come to accept that my beloved DeVry University will never make any of these “Top Whatever” lists besides ones ranking obesity, worthlessness of degree, and party chatrooms. I know you folks will want to see the results of this list, though, so without further ado, here are the Center for World University Rankings’ top 50 ranked universities in the world.

1. Harvard University
2. Stanford University
3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4. University of Cambridge
5. University of Oxford
6. Columbia University
7. University of California, Berkeley
8. University of Chicago
9. Princeton University
10. Yale University
11. Cornell University
12. California Institute of Technology
13. University of Tokyo
14. University of Pennsylvania
15. University of California, Los Angeles
16. Kyoto University
17. New York University
18. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
19. Johns Hopkins University
20. University of California, San Diego
21. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
22. Hebrew University of Jerusalem
23. Northwestern University
24. Seoul National University
25. University of Wisconsin-Madison
26. Duke University
27. University of California, San Francisco
28. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
29. University of Texas at Austin
30. University College London
31. University of Toronto
32. University of Washington-Seattle
33. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
34. Keio University
35. École normale supérieure – Paris
36. École Polytechnique
37. Rockefeller University
38. Weizmann Institute of Science
39. Imperial College of London
40. Waseda University
41. University of Virginia
42. McGill University
43. Osaka University
44. Dartmouth College
45. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
46. Pennsylvania State University
47. Ohio State University
48. Lomonosov Moscow State University
49. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
50. University of Paris-Sud

The U.S. bringing home 18 of the top 25 “best university” spots. It’s a TFM. Even if you’re like me and your school didn’t make this list, you’ve gotta respect that. Click here to see the full top 1000 ranking.

[via the Center for World University Rankings]

  1. Fratmeister69

    When UC-San Diego is ranked in front of Duke, and the fact that UVA didn’t even make the top 50 means this list is bs

    10 years ago at 1:33 pm
      1. Fratastic_Mr_Fox

        It was Johnny Hopkins and Sloan Kettering and they were blazing that shit up every day!

        10 years ago at 4:22 pm
      2. Frocagio69

        Dad, we’re guys, so that means a few things. We shit with the door open, we make our own beef jerky, we talk about pussy, and we go on river boat gambling trips. Now that is all ruined. Dale, we’ve literally done none of those things…

        10 years ago at 8:55 pm