Dodgers’ Minor League Players Get Into Dugout Scuffle, Ends In One Player Having Part Of His Ear Bitten off

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Baseball is a game full of unwritten rules:

• Don’t flip the bat and prance around the bases after hitting a home run.
• Don’t throw at the other team’s pitcher.
• Don’t use anything other than your fists when charging the mound.

You get the picture.

There’s another unwritten rule–which pretty much doubles as the epitome of common sense–and it’s to NOT fight your own fucking teammate. Sadly, this little bit of information was never passed along to Miguel Olivo and Alex Guerrero, two triple-A players in the Los Angeles Dodgers’ farm system.

Although people are still trying to sort out the details, we know two things for sure: a fight occurred in the dugout and Olivo bit off part of Guerrero’s ear. That’s right. Say hello to the Dominican Mike Dyson, otherwise known as veteran catcher Miguel Olivo.

Just before the dugout scuffle, the two players nearly went at it on the pitcher’s mound during a pitching change, reportedly over a lack of communication in the infield. Dumbasses.

The animosity travelled into the dugout and resulted in the bizarre fight, which strangely resembled the infamous Tyson versus Holyfield match.

The bite resulted in Guerrero immediately undergoing plastic surgery to repair his ear.

Even the cops got involved.

Considering the fact that Guerrero is a young, Cuban-born star and Olivo is a washed up nobody, I can’t imagine a way that this fight bodes well for Olivo. After all this wraps up, Olivo’s pro baseball days might be over.

What a dick.

[via Yahoo Sports]

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  1. TakeYourPantsOff

    He broke the unwritten “no biting” rule of fights too. But seeing that he’s from the Dodgers farm system, I’m less than surprised.

    10 years ago at 10:04 am