Does This Taylor Swift Lip Dub By A Fraternity Belong On Fail Friday?

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It’s a simple yes or no question. Does this T-Swift lip dub by Transylvania University’s Delta Sigma Phi chapter belong on Fail Friday?

On one hand, it’s a Taylor Swift song, albeit a catchy-as-fuck one. To add, you have to consider all the meticulous choreography that went into this, plus all the practice hours logged. This wasn’t a shoddy undertaking that came to fruition the same day someone came up with the idea. This took real planning and effort. But still, it’s a T-Swift lip dub. The cool factor is severely lacking.

On the other hand, well, it’s just kinda entertaining and well executed. And I tend to respect those who will let it all hang out for the sake of entertainment.

Watch, then decide:

[poll id=21]

  1. Bourbon and Beer

    Some of these dudes look like chill bros but a lot more of them look like they are really weird…

    10 years ago at 4:10 pm
  2. TauKappaFrat984

    For some sort of philanthropic or other charitable event? I’d say no. If some guy stood up at chapter and asked if everyone wanted to do this Taylor Swift lip sync just for fun? Then absolutely Fail Friday worthy.

    10 years ago at 4:11 pm