Donald Trump Put Colin Kaepernick In A Body Bag Last Night


I never know what Trump is doing at these rallies. Isn’t he supposed to be behind closed doors making back alley deals with senators and trying to humdrum the economy all while squelching Sesame Street? Like I want him in the Oval Office cooking up some shady shit but instead he’s just always at rallies. The dude loves to hype up a crowd. And no one is safe either. He’ll come after politicians, he’ll go after random news anchors, and now we can throw political activist and washed NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick on the list of people who’ve taken a shot from the President.

Skull emojis everywhere. “I’m sure nobody ever heard of him” is lethal. That’s some strychnine straight to the testicles. You wanna take knees during the anthem? You wanna never register to vote but act like you’re some hero for not voting? Fine. Trump gonna just ruin your career by threatening to send out a nasty tweet. Every NFL owner and GM just sitting down at meetings deciding who to sign, with the final verdict being whether or not they’ll get a barrage of nasty tweets from Trump. The power of twitter, folks. Bananas that they’re bleeding money.

Fuck outta here with that shit, Donald. For real, you think a mean tweet is going to prevent an owner from trying to make his team better? The reason Kaepernick is unemployed is because he sucks. Had a QBR of 55.5 last year. I don’t think the threat of a mean presidential tweet is the deciding factor in signing this guy.

“I’m just reporting the news” and “I love to report the news” made me laugh so hard I got the hiccups. I can picture DJT in his high castle with seven screens all on different news networks, pausing, rewinding, just looking for fodder for one of these rallies.

Still not as bad of an evisceration as Stephen A. Smith did to Kap earlier this year.

Image via Youtube

    1. BoozinCruizin

      I’m pissed off at the NFL, ESPN, CBS, FSN, each group of commentators, etc. that made a special point to bring forth this issue in every discussion before, during, and after every game — and even worse, bringing this up in other sports — for the sole purpose generating artificial drama and bullshit. It’s a fucking game; their political views don’t mean shit and sure as hell aren’t relevant to play. Any dumbass seeking political advice from Jon Gruden should be shot.

      8 years ago at 3:31 pm
  1. Magnum_Dong

    While I disagree with kaepernick kneeling for the national anthem, he represents a pretty big part of the American population that holds a lot of ill will towards the rest of us and trump calling him out isn’t exactly going to bring everyone together.

    8 years ago at 1:38 pm
  2. realDoubleD

    I kind of respect Stephen A Smith. He said that blacks need to start voting Republican. It’s true. The Democrats are the party of satan

    8 years ago at 1:43 pm
  3. BoozinCruizin

    And cue the classic patronage, “Wow, he’s articulate,” from my borderline racist aunt and uncle.

    8 years ago at 3:19 pm
  4. All_in_the_stink

    Colin Kapernick looks like an abandoned q tip left up Mr.Slaves’ rectum next to Lenniwinks.

    8 years ago at 7:13 am