Don’t Bash My Home

With the 2012 presidential election coming up, there has been an incredible amount of mudslinging from both sides of the American political spectrum. The Democrats have been coming up with clever ways to label forcing a redistribution of wealth, and have an unorganized and currently irrelevant occupy movement that has yet to inspire anyone to actually DO anything in terms of discourse. Conversely, the Republicans are dead set on making sure the world knows Obama and Marx are synonymous names as far as political positions are concerned and the Tea Party movement has somehow managed to convince half the public that they are the “freedom” party without realizing the hypocrisy that is telling people how to live their lives based on a book that not everyone reads.

Both camps are very determined to make sure that the world knows their candidate of choice for the presidency will provide the answer America needs for all of their difficult questions, meanwhile demonizing the utter shit out of the other party’s poster boy. Folks, I’m not about to tell you I’m pissed off about all of this. All of this is to be absolutely expected during an election year and I enjoy the fodder it provides for comedic analysis. However, I AM The Dapper Dipper, and I certainly AM pissed about something. The thing that keeps continuously annoying me is not the run-of-the-mill trash talking between candidates, the onslaught of pointless four second misinterpreted sound-bites, or even the wave of uneducated voters that have popped up more recently in the electorate. No, the thing I have a problem with is the irreverence everyone seems to have when they decide to go shit-talking AMERICA.

I’m sure if you are a staunch party voter in either the Republican or Democratic voter pool, you are waiting for me to start pointing the finger at the other party like you probably would…but I’m not going to do that. I’m pointing my finger at all of you people that decided to put your political affiliation over your dedication to this country as a citizen. Apparently, a lot of you have forgotten you’re an AMERICAN first and a party voter second. If you have no idea what I am talking about, let me enlighten you.

Democrats, I guess I didn’t think much of your Occupy Wall Street movement at first, and I guess that was somewhat foolish of me. You are absolutely right; OWS has gotten me to really think about a lot of things I had never really considered. One of those things would have to be the degree of disrespect shown by the trendy left when it comes to my country. People ditching work to go protest people working their asses off in a market that is going down the shitter is the opposite of what is going to make this country better. How easy it is to make broad generalizations about how the “system” is broken and needs to be “changed” without offering any semblance of a solution. You honestly think America is broken? Take that sentiment home to your house in Queens that you somehow have managed to afford despite the fact you have taken a day off work to complain about how awful this country has become. Never mind that our poorest people live like kings compared to the poorest in other countries. America is BROKEN. You’re right; the country that provides you the rights to tell it how awful it is to its face and offers you the protection to do so via its constitution is broken. Have fun complaining about the market while you do nothing on the side of the road to fix it.

Republicans, you aren’t getting off easy here either. I know some of you are really pissed off about Obama and the job he is doing. You have every right to, just like the Occupiers have every right to be ungrateful, useless little shits. But livid is not even an appropriate amount of angry to describe how I feel when I hear remarks about how some of you wish Obama was no longer president. I don’t mean removal by losing an election; I mean people honestly wish the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA would be assassinated. Think about that. Regardless of what party you support, or what convictions you have; if you live in America, the president is YOUR president. I don’t care how much you disagree with him, how little you like his policies, or how fucking blatantly racist you pretend to be to convince people you’re a real southerner (which is pathetic). If you wish ill will on the face of our nation, how dare you call yourself a patriot. Does no one remember the national tragedy that was JFK’s assassination? It was a terrible and traumatizing day for Democrats and Republicans. Democrats weren’t upset that a Democratic president was assassinated; they were upset an AMERICAN president was assassinated. Republicans weren’t rejoicing; they were mourning the fact that our commander in chief had been taken from us. So, explain to me how wishing death upon the leader of our nation is supposed to make you seem more American again.

The point I’m trying to make is that we are American first, above and beyond anything else. We are allowed to disagree on our political views. It’s actually encouraged. But it should never make you disrespect the country that you live in and call home. To hear people say that my country is broken, and that my president should be assassinated, makes my red, white, and blue blood boil something hot. MY country is not broken, and regardless of how I register, the president will always be MY president as long as I am an American. The problem here isn’t this beautiful place that gives us so much. The problem is the spoiled people who take so much for granted, on both sides.

  1. SouthernRose

    Finally, someone who will point out the obvious fact that patriotism shouldn’t be a class-specific issue.

    God bless America, regardless of who is ruling us or what issues befall us.

    12 years ago at 11:21 am
    1. TauPhiDelta1897

      I agree with your comment wholeheartedly, aside from one word. Ruling. The President does not rule us. The government does not rule us. Both are meant to govern, not control. That’s what people have forgotten.

      12 years ago at 11:34 am
    2. TrickleDown

      Shut the fuck up southernrose. The whole definition of liberalism is the concept of fundamental changing the current system. How can you love a nation (or anything) that you want to fundamentally change?

      12 years ago at 1:25 pm
    3. The Governor

      Even govern isn’t an appropriate word. The government is there to serve the people of the United States. That is exactly what the great men who signed the greatest document in history meant when our government was established. We have strayed far from the right path.

      12 years ago at 3:11 pm
    4. SouthernRose

      TrickleDown, you’re a complete idiot, and you missed my point entirely. America as a country is not what needs to be changed; the system that liberals aim to change is the government itself (which, if you ask me, requires immediate attention and alterations). Liberals can be just as patriotic as conservatives…like I said, it’s not a class-specific issue. People, regardless of class, should honor and respect their country. And if you think that all America is composed of is the government in place, you’re pathetic.

      12 years ago at 3:36 pm
    5. Natural Ice

      Shut the fuck up, TrickleDown, the definition of liberalism is literally freedom. We don’t want to change things because we hate them, we want to change things because we don’t have our heads so far up our asses that it prevents us from seeing that improvement can always be made.

      PS from an econ major: trickle down doesn’t actually work, you stupid sack of shit.

      12 years ago at 3:38 pm
    6. TrickleDown

      Ah, you misunderstand the meaning of my name. I mean trickle down in the sense that my urine trickles down your face.

      12 years ago at 6:51 pm
    7. Brobert F Kennedy

      Classical Liberals are Conservatives. Good.

      Modern Liberals are Progressives. Bad…

      12 years ago at 2:15 pm
  2. FidelBelle

    I completely agree, but I fear you’re speaking to the wrong audience. Hopefully the hateful things people post on this website are just fodder for the internet and not actual opinions.

    12 years ago at 11:30 am
    1. Miz_Secpledge

      Nope they are actual opinions and you are welcome to fuck yourself anytime…just like you and all the other liberals are fucking this country

      12 years ago at 1:50 pm
    2. FidelBelle

      well bless your dear heart. As an officer of my local CR’s and an active member of the CRNC, I can assure you that polite and rational young Republicans exist and are embarrassed by extremism on both sides.

      12 years ago at 2:34 pm
    3. GTgentleman

      ^that’s real cute and all, but get off this site. Go back to your bottom tier sorority and lose some weight, whale.

      12 years ago at 12:29 pm
    1. Brobert F Kennedy

      I’m already white and powerful. Why would I yell something so stupid?

      12 years ago at 2:17 pm
  3. Pete Campbell

    This Article has been waiting to come out for a very long time. I’ve had numerous political discussions about this with brothers of mine and we have all agreed that the political climate has made us disenchanted by either party but we remain strong in keeping up with current politics and maintain a steady voting record. Being from the Chicago land area, politics are the worst when Sob-story, corrupt institution-backed politicians are taking the lead over politicians who have a good resume and are supported by local PACs (Obama is a Chicago Politician, who in the right mind would have even voted for that; It’s the equivalent to hiring someone with 2 DUIs on record) . I commend you Dapper Dipper and I’m glad that I know there are more people out there that are more concerned with being Americans than being “Politically Correct.”

    12 years ago at 11:34 am
    1. TrickleDown

      How is this not politically correct? “We should all get along and love America and like stop fighting and stuff.” Thanks, asshole, we know that.

      Reading these comments is really killing my faith in what I thought was a pretty politically savvy online community.

      12 years ago at 1:26 pm
    2. Pete Campbell

      I don’t comment often, so I was curious to what the responses would be. I meant politically correct as in believing along party line just because pundits are spinning the news. I may have misused the word but the context is there.

      It’s people who like you who make me lose faith in a democratic republic governed by rational people.

      12 years ago at 2:41 pm
    3. TrickleDown

      The fact that I called you out for misusing the words “politically correct” makes you lose faith in the concept of a democratic republic?

      12 years ago at 3:00 pm
    1. The Big LeFratski

      LeFratski as the running mate. Reinstitute the 3/5’s. Revoke female drivers licenses. Etc etc

      12 years ago at 4:48 pm
    2. Brobert F Kennedy

      Why would you reinstate the 3/5ths clause? Do you even know what that was? It’s the opposite of what you think it is.

      12 years ago at 2:22 pm
    3. BeauDuke

      Yeah LeFratski, you’re an idiot. That would fuck over the Southern states, giving them less representation. The House would be majority Democrat forever. Bad.

      12 years ago at 10:11 pm
  4. rollinghills_bro

    don’t care about either republicans nor democrats. people who take political sh*t far too seriously shouldn’t be in politics in the first place. live and let live and don’t get in my (or any other American’s) f*cking way…

    12 years ago at 11:47 am
    1. SinkPuttsPeeInButts

      Yea man. Just sit back and dont even feign interest in your country’s future. The benevolent powers that be will see to everything for you. Go smoke another joint.

      12 years ago at 6:30 pm
    2. rollinghills_bro

      two sides refusing to talk with each other? might as well have an all-PMS congress – a bunch of pussies in a cat fight. i’d say republicans act tough but the democrats have had more decorated combat vets serve in congress so no one really can say which is better. government is a shame. we should have just let charles heston and henry fonda duke it out. last one standing wins.

      12 years ago at 8:57 pm
  5. Lynchem

    You’re a complete idiot and obviously don’t watch the news. Occupy bombed a bridge in Cleveland amongst other acts of violence. And whats wrong with opposing gay marriage? Are you upset because you and your partner can’t get married? If TFM doesn’t take this article down I call for a boycott. Fuck DapperDipper, fuck Florida, and fuck the asshole who allowed this piece of MSNBC trash to get posted.

    12 years ago at 11:52 am
    1. Guantanabro Bay

      You obviously don’t watch the news closely enough. Occupy did not bomb a bridge in Cleveland, no one bombed a bridge in Cleveland. A few left wing douchenozzles that were kicked out of Occupy for being too radical attempted to acquire materials to make a bomb. The FBI arrested all of them before they could get their hands on anything. I don’t think that Occupy helps this country in any way, but throwing around wild, misinformed accusations about the group only helps their cause.

      12 years ago at 4:29 pm
    2. Lynchem

      ^You should stop watching MSNBC and you would find out they are still part of it. And how about you take yourself to gitmo and torture yourself because your petty existence on this planet makes every other human being feel like they’re shitting knives constantly.

      12 years ago at 7:17 pm
    1. EtonClubs

      Oh, wow! I’ve never heard this joke before! Did you come up with it yourself?

      12 years ago at 1:06 pm
  6. T3XASMAD3

    With all due respect dapper dipper, that idea ain’t worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on.

    12 years ago at 12:45 pm
  7. Joran van der Frat

    I’m proud to live in a country where we have the right to vote that fuckhead Obama out of office in November.

    12 years ago at 1:13 pm
    1. SinkPuttsPeeInButts

      Yea…. as long as he and Eric Holder dont conjure up a shitload of dead people to vote for them. Florida just released documents showing that 57,000 dead Americans voted for Obama. I dont see why nobody is talking about this shit.

      12 years ago at 3:56 pm