The 10 Frattest Sports Movie Characters

Every penis-wielding son of a bitch in our great nation appreciates when sports and American cinema are combined. Classic movies like “The Natural,” “Hoosiers” and “The Sandlot” strike emotionally down in the deepest parts of our loins, and iconic scenes from these timeless flicks make our bollocks tingle. Today we’ll examine the character traits of the most respected characters from all-time great sports movies, and analyze their inspirational attributes.

Roy McAvoy

Roy McAvoy is a PGA caliber talent with no shot at earning his card. He’s held back by his beer drinking, tail-chasing and mental instability. Roy is also a short-tempered hot head with gambling problems.

Guy’s FaF, though. He committed a devastating post-grad TFM while caddying for PGA great, David Simms. After suggesting Simms hit the 3-wood and carry the water on the short par 5 16th, Simms refused and shaped a smooth 7-iron in perfect approach position. After Simms’ partner, Craig Stadler, proposed a bet to “Tin Cup” that he couldn’t make the shot, he accepted, costing him his job. McAvoy fucking stuck it, though.

Oh yeah, and he also stole Simms’ girlfriend and gave her the business in his Winnebago.

  1. JTCS

    Rocky Balboa is definitely NF… If that story were retold today he would be rocking affliction/tapout and fighting MMA.

    13 years ago at 4:45 pm
    1. Phigam1890

      Rocky winning one for America in the USSR during the height of the Cold War. FaF

      13 years ago at 9:05 pm
    2. FrattingInAmerica

      Rocky making millions in endorsements. FaF.
      Rocky getting commie bastards to cheer his name at the end of Rocky IV. FaF.

      13 years ago at 10:51 pm
    3. 1844_The_Win

      Rocky coming up from nothing and becoming an American legend. I’m pretty sure the American dream is FaF.

      13 years ago at 2:03 pm
    1. Bernanke is a Hebe

      Did anyone ever tell you that you look like a penis with that little hat on?

      13 years ago at 1:07 am
    1. Fratam Banks

      he’s still locked up in that cage in the clubhouse while the cubs win the pennant.

      13 years ago at 6:39 pm
  2. TXFRAT10

    Smalls > Squints. And how can you leave out Ty Webb, Larry Kroger, Doug Neidermeyer, Eric Stratton or basically anyone from Animal House?

    13 years ago at 4:57 pm
    1. Hail to the Purple

      ^^ Kid plays driveway hockey in a polo, he rocks the best equipment and every kid on his miserable team hates him because he’s rich.

      What about Jim Craig? He dominated the Soviets.

      13 years ago at 5:27 pm
    2. Fratam Banks

      I’m right here boys. In all honesty, my dad should be included too. He cut a deal with the peewee hockey league and the owner of a law firm to keep me on the Hawks.

      13 years ago at 6:42 pm