nolenation44 I’m sure this is fake. Not because it’s so outrageous that a girl would never talk like that, but because you were dumb enough to think something like this was worth posting. 9 years ago at 10:57 am
Clownindetox Dead give away is “drink some beers”. That’s a phrase used by dudes. 9 years ago at 9:20 pm
Genuinely questioning whether this was from another bro.
9 years ago at 10:15 amY’all have some weird relationships with your mothers…
9 years ago at 10:19 amgee willikers, your family reunions sound fun!
9 years ago at 10:25 amI’m sure this is fake. Not because it’s so outrageous that a girl would never talk like that, but because you were dumb enough to think something like this was worth posting.
9 years ago at 10:57 am“Hey bro text me this it’ll be funny”
9 years ago at 11:00 amDead give away is “drink some beers”. That’s a phrase used by dudes.
9 years ago at 9:20 pmYour “dream girl” is actually a man
9 years ago at 10:18 pmI want to share a bed because I like to cuddle afterwards.
9 years ago at 1:32 pm