Dressed Up To Get Messed Up (27 Formal Photos)









  1. Rojer Dorn

    Woaaaaahh I was on the Huffington post I’m real famous now, y’all are just ants I expect to hear no more fuck u Dorn
    So fuck all of u

    11 years ago at 11:59 am
  2. DipSpit_ShootinShit

    Good thing the intern knows how copy and paste photos, seems to be the extent of his article writing ablities.

    11 years ago at 12:02 pm
  3. Nat Frat Splats MTF

    I see these and get excited thinking there’s a column to read, but all it is is some shitbag intern telling us that a bunch of photos, obviously alike eachother, are alike eachother.

    11 years ago at 12:12 pm
  4. CharlesWellington

    So the extent of a TFM interns “real” work is looking through old photos, finding a mix of decent and complete shit, and then just posting them with a Buzzfeed-esque title?

    11 years ago at 2:04 pm