Dubya (25 Photos)









  1. BellushiTFM

    Dubya wasn’t a perfect President but I would take him back in a heartbeat over this piece of shit we have in the White House now.

    11 years ago at 12:06 pm
  2. UniversityOfKentucky

    Say all you want about Dubya but he has show much greater leadership during his time as president than Obama.

    11 years ago at 12:18 pm
  3. What Would Dorn Do

    True story about Dubya… I walked in to one of my Flt CCs office(AF Academy Grad) and I noticed he had a picture of him walking towards Dubya on graduation day about to the the “bro-five.” (A little back story this dude played for the Academy basketball team and is 6’8″) So when I asked him, he told me when he walked up to Bush for graduation, the POTUS proceeded to give him the aforementioned “bro-five,” and give him some real encouragement by saying nothing but, “word.”

    11 years ago at 1:45 pm
  4. SergeantHartman

    Serious question intern, what do you say when people ask what you do for TFM?

    11 years ago at 1:54 pm