Due To A Glitch, Auburn Students’ Iron Bowl Tickets All Belong To This Kid

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We received the below tip this morning from a pledge brother of Stewart Lawrence, a Theta Chi at Auburn:

Apparently the auburn registrar messed up and now everybody’s ticket page says they’ve transferred their tickets to my pledge brother. Just thought might interesting news. Everybody we’ve talked to has confirmed and he says confused freshman keep contacting him.

It appears that every Auburn student’s Iron Bowl ticket has been transferred to Stew Lawrence, unwillingly, due to a computer glitch. It has been confirmed via Twitter.

Stew’s bio says that he’s been “Kickin’ tires and lightin’ fires since 95.” A couple other interesting facts about Stew are as follows: 1) he has a perfect Twitter avi for someone who is at the winning end of such a colossal screw up, and 2) he follows me on Twitter, so I messaged him this morning to get some details about the ticket fiasco. We’re still very short on facts here, however, because HE HAS NOT FUCKING GOTTEN BACK TO ME YET. Pull it together, Stew.

If anyone can shed some more light on what’s going on here, please let us know.

***** UPDATE: Stew got back to me. *****

This was for last season’s Iron Bowl. It’s a non-story now.