Seersucker Thursday in the U.S. Senate. TFM.

    1. TopSider91

      @TauSigmaMu, I agree racism is NF, some of my best friends and brothers are black, middle eastern etc. However, racist jokes are not only hilarious, but FaF.

      14 years ago at 8:01 pm
    2. LPB_III

      lets not debate about how fratty the token black guy is. It’s really quite apparent that he is the frat star of the group. Only 2 are wearing bow ties, and he is one of them.

      14 years ago at 10:26 am
    3. Haze W

      N… can’t be fratty maybe only to you new row pussy’s they can be but not to real old row frat stars.

      14 years ago at 2:32 pm
    4. LiberalsAreGDIs

      Racism NF? Ha! Racism is FaF.

      Racism should be defined as white people believing (for good reason) that they are better and more successful than other races.

      Don’t make me laugh.

      Racism FaF.

      14 years ago at 5:03 pm
    5. PhiKappaTitties

      Clowns like you guys above me are the reason southern gentlemen have a bad reputation. Shut the fuck up. It’s one thing to be proud, it’s another to be ignorant.

      14 years ago at 6:42 pm
    6. 1_

      ^im guessing you determine what is and is not ignorant. These people are right, everything a frat star stands for (being and/or believing we are superior to said cargo short wearer, shitting on those we call liberals or GDI’s) is identical in principal to racism. Just because racism has a far worse history doesn’t mean anything. Now that ya’ll know the truth, If you don’t like the lifestyle then stop trying to live it.

      14 years ago at 7:33 pm
    7. BetterThanYou

      Shooter, I commend your honesty. Always telling the truth bc you’re TFTC about the outcome. TFM.

      14 years ago at 9:12 pm
    8. Frataholic

      New row trash, NF. Being a little racist, but not so much you have redneck robes or nazi shit is FaF

      14 years ago at 11:19 am
    9. SterlingArcher

      Hey now, it’s not racist, it’s just believing in stereotypes. If anything black people are the racist ones.

      14 years ago at 8:34 pm
    1. Le Garde Vieux

      Maybe. Some say only white bucks. Some prefer loafers. Some prefer their very worst pair of topsiders with their best seersuckrer suit. But NO ONE wears black dress shoes with seersucker.

      14 years ago at 9:00 am
    2. Brolysses S Grant

      Most nice brown shoes look fine w/ seer sucker. I didn’t see many white bucks in the grandstands at the Derby so it can’t be that big of a deal. Was definitely wondering why so many people were wearing absolutely demolished Sperrys that day though, it looked retarded.

      14 years ago at 9:57 am
    3. John MacEnbro

      you guys are spending a lot of time critiquing another man’s shoes… Go back to the TSM wall and make me a god damn sandwich

      14 years ago at 11:26 am
    4. WilliamLewisFRATwood

      Hey pal, knowing how to dress is a huge part of fratting, so why dont you walk you jordan hightops right off this site geed.

      and yes it is ok to wear loafers with a seersucker, and its an ok look, but brown shoes and esp black is definitely NF. white bucks are classic, the go to, the standard

      14 years ago at 11:39 am
    5. John MacEnbro

      Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese, with light mayo. Hold the mustard.

      14 years ago at 2:31 pm
    6. utkjg

      “I didn’t see many white bucks in the grandstands at the Derby so it can’t be that big of a deal.”
      @Brolysses S Grant :
      that is b/c the Derby is BEFORE Labor Day and no real southerner would be caught dead in white. With a username in honor of the biggest yankee hero of all time, I figured you wouldn’t know that…know you do.

      14 years ago at 11:56 am
    1. Swamp Ass

      I would expect a goat to not get sarcasm. That being said. I am going to steal you and make goat cheese. And I’m going to kidnap your daughter goats and sell them on the on the black market to goat traffickers.

      14 years ago at 9:03 pm
    1. KingOfTheBROcean1855

      Sorry the woman on the bench looks like a man. That seems like a bigger problem than not being able to count.

      14 years ago at 9:36 pm
    2. James Brochanan

      …no she doesn’t stop being a dick. You fucked up trying to make a kitchen joke now sack up and take your hazing like a man

      14 years ago at 9:25 am
    3. old line state

      especially when you can clearly see that she is wearing a skirt. don’t be a fucking idiot.

      14 years ago at 11:31 am
  1. Bye Bye GDI

    Regardless of political standings, isn’t it proper etiquette to let the ladies sit?

    14 years ago at 8:53 pm
    1. Fratdaddy 1568

      There is nothing frat about Ben Nelson, cornhusker kickback = NF. All it did was cost me money.

      14 years ago at 11:49 pm
    2. PassTheScotch

      looking like pee wee herman. NF. there’s a difference between “wearing” a bowtie, and WEARING a fuckin bowtie.

      14 years ago at 9:48 am
  2. fratstar3

    pretty frat except I’d get rid of all the dark leather shoes and that dark person

    14 years ago at 10:06 pm