Seersucker Thursday in the U.S. Senate. TFM.

  1. the_skipjack052

    the dark haired woman standing behind the couch is diane feinstein (D-CA). liberal as hell. NF

    14 years ago at 11:10 pm
    1. the_skipjack052

      however, despite the NF liberals bring to the picture, the amount of seersucker makes up for it

      14 years ago at 11:11 pm
    2. Bro Pig Sooiee

      the other woman in the back row is Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) also liberal as hell but plays the farmer’s daughter routine and claims she is only out to help rural Arkansas

      14 years ago at 8:25 am
    1. BetterThanYou

      You’re a fucking idiot. I can name a handful of current or ex Senators in that picture. Not just staff.

      14 years ago at 2:17 pm