Telling Democrats that re-electing Obama would be like backing the Titanic up into another iceberg. TFM.

    1. Yes, one-on-on is an ancient Chinese metaphor for the martial art category that requires only the use of the elbow in a fight to the death.

      13 years ago at 9:59 pm
  1. anon7472974648

    This is an awful analogy. This administration isn’t sinking; this administration is soaring! If anything, re-electing Obama would be like relaunching the Hindenburg!

    13 years ago at 9:05 pm
    1. MayCauseFratulence

      It’s like the Hindenburg because it’s founded on bad ideas leading to a crash and deaths of hundreds. Obama is nothing but bad ideas leading to the crash of the economy and death of America . I get your analogy.

      13 years ago at 9:22 pm
    2. Bush crashed the economy. It just happened when Obama took office because of Iraq and Afghanistan. GOP/southerners sometimes forget that.

      13 years ago at 10:16 pm
    3. One_if_by_Frat

      Everyone knows that Obama single handedly approved every sub-prime mortgage! If you don’t understand the economy don’t bring it up you ignorant fucks.

      13 years ago at 10:34 pm
    4. One_if_by_Frat

      I’m surprised you didn’t catch on to my sarcasm. No matter, don’t forget Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae.

      13 years ago at 10:51 pm
    1. Fuck Smart Cars

      ^ I hope you have beautiful children and they have their legs taken from them!

      13 years ago at 8:28 am