Elite New York Golf Courses Reject Barry O. From Playing A Round

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Here’s a shocker: Obama wanted to play some golf on Labor Day weekend. While in New York for fundraising events and a wedding, Obama decided to take a little time to squeeze in a round of slicing balls into trees. However, some of Westchester’s top golf courses rejected the president the opportunity to shoot a 110.

From NBC:

The Trump National Golf Club, the Winged Foot and Willow Ridge were among some of the elite courses that rebuffed the president’s request to tee off there, according to several sources who were told about the president’s advance team’s calls to the club managers.

Club managers apparently did not want to inconvenience their high-powered and high-paying members over Labor Day weekend by shutting down their courses to accommodate the president.

Since each club was only given a day or two of notice and the costs of memberships at these clubs are high, I can see the reasoning behind the rejection. A lot of people wanted to golf on Labor Day weekend, and those folks pay good money to be members of their clubs. However, we’re talking about the president of the United States of America, the leader of the free world. You have to give this man free reign of any course in America, save Augusta National.

President Obama could have made the short plane ride to Connecticut to get in his round:

Of several courses contacted in New York and Connecticut, a spokesman for Fairview Country Club in Greenwich said it would have accommodated the president if he had asked. That was the only club that said it would.

Fairview Country Club must be a muni in the president’s eyes.

[via NBC]

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  1. Booze_Hound

    Boulevard, you commie, perhaps you thought you were writing for Jizzebel or blowing Chris Mathews. But allow me to remind you, no course in America needs to allow this man a free round. And no course needs to shut down to accommodate him. We don’t live under a caste system. And we don’t have hierarchy’s. By telling us he deserves free reign on any course in America, you further the idea set fourth by liberals that they’re above the law, and owed special treatment. He may be our president, but he’s certainly not our king. People who pay tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to belong to these clubs deserve the right to play, not the empty chair “fundraiser” in chief. Get your shit together.

    10 years ago at 4:03 pm
  2. Capitalist_Gentleman

    I bet that at some point in college Barry was kicked out of or denied entry to a frat party. He probably seethed with anger. I hope this brought back those memories and reminded him that his still a dork.

    10 years ago at 5:03 pm
  3. WillardFratkins1855

    Barry might need to hit up a public course. Not gonna find a last name like “Obama” on a member list at a private.

    10 years ago at 11:25 pm