I’m from Texas and have won a buckle in tie-down roping, when I came to college I couldn’t understand why the frat guys wore 1970’s white washed wranglers that my grandpa wore???
The hats should be stetson 100x, the boots should be Lucchese, and the jeans should be 19$ cowboy cut wrangers because they hug all the right places.
People from the north enjoy faggotry. Southern Frat boys aren’t afraid to get down and dirty…if they ruin their boots or Brooks Brothers shirt, it doesn’t matter because they’ve got plenty more where that came from.
You are a joke. Glad you left the great nation of Texas.
15 years ago at 5:44 pmSeriously. If your jeans cost more than $30 (with tax), you are a gdi faggot.
15 years ago at 10:31 amtexas is not a nation, and it is far from great. i used to live in dallas, its fucking awful. glad to be gone
15 years ago at 10:42 pmI’m from Texas and have won a buckle in tie-down roping, when I came to college I couldn’t understand why the frat guys wore 1970’s white washed wranglers that my grandpa wore???
13 years ago at 10:58 amWelcome
15 years ago at 6:03 pmCheers
15 years ago at 7:33 pmfinally someone gets it….hicks r not fratty…bros r not fratty…fratty is just fratty
15 years ago at 7:37 pmtruth.
15 years ago at 7:51 pmReal fraternity men spell out the word “Are”. You’re ignorant if you think Texas is made up of everything but hicks.
15 years ago at 9:45 pmCowboy boots and wrangers are not frat. I hate the kids from Texas fucking up the fratty way.
15 years ago at 9:08 amThere is nothing GDI about my $2,500 custom hand crafted ostrich skins.
15 years ago at 8:06 pmI didn’t know polo, brooks brothers, patagonia, vineyard vines or coast made those.
15 years ago at 8:32 pmTell that to my West Texas ranch bursting with oil.
15 years ago at 8:31 pmYou drove that far to get closer to being frat… Loser
15 years ago at 3:37 amyou go to elon and think you know about being fratty. think again sir
15 years ago at 6:39 amThe hats should be stetson 100x, the boots should be Lucchese, and the jeans should be 19$ cowboy cut wrangers because they hug all the right places.
People from the north enjoy faggotry. Southern Frat boys aren’t afraid to get down and dirty…if they ruin their boots or Brooks Brothers shirt, it doesn’t matter because they’ve got plenty more where that came from.
15 years ago at 10:04 pmAgreed, but the dollar sign goes in front hahaha. Nevertheless, agreed.
14 years ago at 4:51 pmGot news for you buddy, your still not fratty.
15 years ago at 11:20 pm