Elon.. GOOD JOKE. I’m from South Carolina, I’ve partied at UGA, USC, CofC, etc. Elon is not even considered a southern school.. much less a fratty university. UT throws better parties than you could dream of.
Y’all are idiots if you think that the East Coast isn’t fratty. Where do you think all of your Southern Proper, Southern Marsh, and Coastal Traditions come from? Idiots.
You seriously consider C of C frattier than Elon? You must be kidding. C of C is like the land of GDIs, everyone riding their skateboards around. you get stoned at elon for riding a skateboard. we even expect more from our GDI’s than that shit.
Texas… frattiest state, best slam pieces. GDI’s from elon wouldn’t understand
15 years ago at 8:30 pmamen
14 years ago at 1:51 am1) I hope PKP doesn’t mean Pi Kappa Phi.. That is about as frat as not hazing.
15 years ago at 9:30 am2) Elon is home of the Guid D. I.s.
Elon.. GOOD JOKE. I’m from South Carolina, I’ve partied at UGA, USC, CofC, etc. Elon is not even considered a southern school.. much less a fratty university. UT throws better parties than you could dream of.
15 years ago at 7:03 pmYou are a fag. Thanks for leaving the south we appreciate it
15 years ago at 7:41 pmNC is the south
14 years ago at 4:56 pmPKP- my pledges waring wranglers, work boots and columbias would haze your east coast ed hardy ass.
15 years ago at 12:44 pmY’all are idiots if you think that the East Coast isn’t fratty. Where do you think all of your Southern Proper, Southern Marsh, and Coastal Traditions come from? Idiots.
15 years ago at 4:38 pmYou seriously consider C of C frattier than Elon? You must be kidding. C of C is like the land of GDIs, everyone riding their skateboards around. you get stoned at elon for riding a skateboard. we even expect more from our GDI’s than that shit.
15 years ago at 5:55 pmCofC defines fratty. That is all.
15 years ago at 6:11 pmObvious poor piece oh shit ^
14 years ago at 8:55 pmyeah brosef, not frat. NF go back to geedville
14 years ago at 12:54 am