No caption necessary.

    1. iRage

      for the last fucking time, frat can be used as an adjective or verb, but never as a noun.

      14 years ago at 11:56 am
    2. youngFRATTATEER

      hahah you should probably get off your computer and go back to teaching your 4th grade class.

      14 years ago at 11:57 am
    3. Puff Fratty

      You can keep your ‘frat’ with all of your little ‘frat boy’ friends & I’ll keep my fraternity with my fraternity men brothers.

      14 years ago at 12:14 pm
    4. Fratio Fratyin

      So iRage, if we can’t use “frat” as a noun, then you disagree with everything on this website. Because saying someone is “frat” would be the use of a noun because that would be describing a ‘person’. Or saying that a polo oxford is “frat” would also the use of a noun because that would be describing a ‘thing’. See my friend, you are indeed against this website if you can never use frat as a noun because a noun is something used to identify a person, place, or thing.

      14 years ago at 12:51 pm
    5. Southern Hospitality

      Fratio, you’re a dipshit. Something describing a noun is an adjective. Go back to third grade you senseless bum.

      14 years ago at 12:55 pm
    6. older row

      a NOUN is person place or thing.
      an ADJECTIVE is a word used to describe a noun.
      You’re fucking retarded, I’m pretty sure most fourth graders know that.

      14 years ago at 1:53 pm
    7. TFTC__KAO223

      Judging by his last few comments on the website today, it’s pretty obvious that he was joking and doing it to get a reaction from retards like yourself’s. He said that Blue Solo cups were frat, and then he commented something really dumb about saying TFM after things that aren’t TFMs. You guys can’t sense sarcasm on this website and that people are fucking with you.

      And as for Puff Fratty, you good Sir, must be openly gay after that comment,

      back to the hazement for you.

      14 years ago at 1:56 pm
    8. newmoneyoldclass

      fratio you are the dumbest fuck on this site, and second the motion for god to have mercy on your soul

      14 years ago at 2:29 pm
    9. fayettechill AR

      ok so none of us can ever say “frat lapping” or “frat row” because those are both short for the noun form

      14 years ago at 5:44 pm
    10. Fratasuar

      So are we just going to go ahead and ignore TFTC’s use of “yourself’s” maybe he’s just too TFTC.

      14 years ago at 8:22 pm
    11. VA Fratter

      Fratio was partly right. If you say “That is a fratty polo”, then “fratty” is an adjective. If you say something is “frat” you are using a noun(frat) as an adjective. It’s a noun modifier, but still a noun. If you’re gonna flip shit over grammar, at least get it right.

      14 years ago at 9:27 pm
    12. Fratasuar

      I am going to go ahead and argue that frat, in its proper usage, should not be considered a noun modifier. An example of a noun modifier would be: Look at that fraternity house. Fraternity in that sentence is being used as a noun modifier, it would not be proper english to say: that house is fraternity, because fraternity is not an adjective. However, if I were to say: look at that frat blazer, I could go ahead and say: that that blazer is frat, and it would grammatically make sense. And yes I do realize these are not actually words and I have wasted my own time as well as anyone’s who actually read this.

      14 years ago at 9:46 pm
    13. TFTC__KAO223

      Fratio actually wasn’t wrong when he was describing the use of a noun and how it can sometimes be used to describe things. It is more often used as a noun ‘modifier’ which according to the definition of a noun, is a noun as well….

      14 years ago at 10:39 pm
    14. Sigcess

      fratio, what an idiot. everyone now just posts on the first few posts because all the new ones never get seen

      14 years ago at 1:07 pm
    15. RalphLauren Brolo

      I just wasted 20 minutes of my life reading this. Fratio, iRage y’all are both Geeds. Puff Fratty you and your gay “fraternity men brothers” are probably Pikes.

      14 years ago at 8:31 pm
    16. youngFRATTATEER

      Wow this comment wasn’t supposed to turn in to English class. This killed my buzz.

      14 years ago at 11:56 am
    17. Nu_d Since 69

      I think it’s ok to call a fraternity a frat if you are actually in a fraternity. It’s only disrespectful when a geed calls it a frat.

      14 years ago at 12:24 pm
    18. Fuck Liberals

      Did it really take you 20 minutes to read this Ralph Lauren Brolo. You might want consider learning to read along with Fratio

      14 years ago at 1:08 pm
    19. Fuck Liberals

      Embarrassing, I forgot the word to. No need to criticize me, I’m heading to the hazement now.

      14 years ago at 1:12 pm
    20. Nu_d Since 69

      I can see what you mean chevy, but it honestly not worth bitching out over in internet for. Face to face may be a different story, but no reason to get all bitter over the internet. That is all.

      14 years ago at 1:28 pm
    21. AlphaFratGuy

      This is a site to talk shit on people dumb picture and laugh and say frat on to the one that are good, so enough with the fucking english lessons here boys who gives a shit most people are writing fast anyways and abbreviating.
      Fixing peoples grammar on every fucking post NF

      13 years ago at 9:39 am
    1. Chad Brochocinco

      Cops are usually NF, and it has nothing to do with what kind of pants they wear.

      14 years ago at 3:07 pm
    2. Fratsmith12

      By that logic a picture of Reagan kicking a geed in the balls would be NF because the geed was wearing cargo pants. You’re retarded Peewee and so is your name.

      14 years ago at 10:43 pm
  1. Godandgunsaregood

    regardless of how NF that guy in the background is, this picture is FaF

    14 years ago at 2:57 pm
  2. American

    Reading all these comments, and the argument on whether “frat” is a socially acceptable term, I began to wonder, what in the hell happened to being TFTC?

    14 years ago at 5:17 pm