ESPN Homerun Derby Poll Left Open, People are Smart Asses

One of the great things about the internet is it gives everyone a platform to try and be funny, and Facebook has become an unlimited resource for humor.

ESPN recently launched a poll on Facebook asking who would take home the Home Run Derby title tonight. The issue with the poll is they allowed write-ins, which was seemingly an oversight. But if the American people had it their way, and the democracy in which they abide by would suggest they usually do, the derby would be one hell of a contest.

NBA superstar Brian Scalabrine is a legitimate contender coming in at the 11 spot. Not to be outdone though, look for dark horses Herp Derpson, Mitt Romney, Josef Stalin, Nic Cage, Major League‘s Pedro Ceranno, some guy named Bob, and of course, Ask a Mexican.

See the full poll results here:

[via Deadspin]