Everyone smaller than you being "frail," and everyone bigger than you being "on steroids." TFM. Blohmasaur110 years ago
Shower Beer Can someone with the time and effort find this same TFM posted months ago? 10 years ago at 1:00 pm
BoatShoesAndBooze https://totalfratmove.wpengine.com/confidently-thinking-everyone-smaller-than-you-doesnt-lift-and-everyone-bigger-than-you-takes-steroids-tfm/ 10 years ago at 1:31 pm
10 years ago at 12:33 pmCan someone with the time and effort find this same TFM posted months ago?
10 years ago at 1:00 pmhttps://totalfratmove.wpengine.com/confidently-thinking-everyone-smaller-than-you-doesnt-lift-and-everyone-bigger-than-you-takes-steroids-tfm/
10 years ago at 1:31 pmFail Friday material
10 years ago at 8:23 pmSteveHolt is frail
10 years ago at 9:49 am