EXCLUSIVE: Josh Abbott Band Premieres “Tuesday Night” Music Video

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Josh Abbott was a Phi Delt at Texas Tech University, which obviously played into his decision to premiere the video for “Tuesday Night” right here on TFM. This afternoon, I had the opportunity to talk a little with Josh about his experiences at Texas Tech, the inspiration behind “Tuesday Night,” and our shared love for Chimy’s tacos.

Being a Phi Delt at Texas Tech was probably the smartest decision I ever made in my life. It allowed me to network, not only with guys in my fraternity, but with guys in other fraternities that came from great families and are now great friends of mine. I met a lot of really awesome people, and those people are still in my life today.”

One of his fraternity brothers from Tech is still the banjo player for Josh Abbott Band.

We started out as a fraternity band, playing fraternity parties. Our banjo player was actually my fraternity brother in college. When he was pledging, I was on exec. I used to haze him.”

As you can tell from listening, this single was inspired by the fact that some of the best times in college can come out of nowhere, like on a random Tuesday night at Chimy’s, downing tacos and beer.

One of my favorite things to do with all my fraternity brothers, and obviously all the girls, was go to Chimy’s. Chimy’s was actually started by a Phi Delt, and it was launched at Tech, so we used to go there to support him, and, you know, everybody loves Chimy’s.”

For Josh, “Tuesday Night” is an ode to those incredible nights he experienced back in college, but also for everyone who’s actually in college right now, living the dream.

I wanted it to be nostalgic for me, and current for our fan base. I just thought, ‘Why not write a song about that experience?’ I mean, the whole point of the song was that some of my favorite times in college were just on a Tuesday on the patio, just drinking and eating tacos.”

If you don’t like drinking and eating tacos, then you’ve got a problem. Enjoy the video below, and pick up the “Tuesday Night EP” on September 23.