FAIL FRIDAY: Adult Diapers

Ten real submissions, ten photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Found out my dad invested in American eagle so I slashed his tires and spray painted “TFM” on the hood of his car. TFM.

You hear that dad? Invest in a company that isn’t TFM approved and get your fucking tires slashed.

Cashier at Whole Foods asked me if I wanted to donate $1 to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. I said “FUCK NO! I’m in a frat!” Then I pounded my chest and pointed to the sky as I walked out of the store. TFM.

Damn right. You don’t give a shit. Sick kids don’t get a fucking pass. TFTC.

That time of the month when your man bush is longer than your flaccid. TFM.

Even my sick sense of humor finds this disturbing.

A brother knocked up his slam earlier this school year. Now we have fresh organic milk for the whole house. TFM.

Breaaast miiilk, you made my daaay-ay.

Got drunk at my sister’s wedding and took a shit on her cake. TFTC.

Why are so many of you destroying the lives of family members?

I don’t care if we used to be best friends. I can drink more than you, my attire is unquestionably more respectable, girls find me more attractive, and now I have more business connections than you do friends. So what if you were there for me when my dog got hit by a car? Now you’re just a fucking geed. TFM.

Let it out bro. It needs to be said.

Changing the lyrics of Nickelback’s song “Rockstar” to “I wanna be a fratstar.” TFM.

Please don’t. But if you do, record it on YouTube so I can shame you on next week’s Fail Friday.

Getting naked and spraying half a bottle of Febreze up into your fan so it coats your entire body instead of showering. TFM.

Just take a fucking shower you disgusting hipster.

Taking Adderall with the best frat-dad-of-all. TFM.

Wordplay is fun.

There was a drive-by shooting at the house and I took a stray in the calf but I’m still livin. Keith can’t slang hard white out the crib anymore though. TFM.

Some fools gotta slang crack to pay dues. It’s all in the game.

Diapers are back in style.

Who takes their own shame picture? His facial expression is priceless.

Y’all don’t even know he was a virgin until he was 28 and now… Roll Tide.

You can’t put periods in a hashtag you fucking dumbass.


Overdosing on TFTC.

Not sure why they had to write “POOP ON MY FACE” like he won’t know.

Sweet lord he exploded.

The Man in Black, Johnny Cash, is rolling over in his grave.

Closing out this week with cargos and a man-on-man proposal.

Lamborghini Mercy, the Mazda edition:

Kate Upton doing the Cat Daddy will make it all better:

Does she live in a time warp where she finds out about rap dance moves two years after the general public? Maybe. Do I want her to stop? No.

Melanie Iglesias and Lisa Ramos’ almost equally hot response to Kate’s video:

If you missed last week’s Fail Friday, there you go. Also, TFM Day Rage is next Saturday (5/12) and Early Bird tickets are $15 instead of $25 at the door so buy your tickets HERE now.

    1. holdin pee in for u

      I was waiting for any of them to get run over. The only reason I watched the whole thing.

      12 years ago at 12:13 pm
    2. The American Lion

      I was waiting for the car to hit anything… a light post, bush, one of them. I was disappointed.

      12 years ago at 1:06 pm
  1. Jerry Fratdusky

    If that poop were Kate Upton’s then it’s FaF.

    Hell, I’d go to a blackface party with Upton’s poop on my face.

    12 years ago at 11:56 am
  2. SigmaAlphaMan

    the two videos on the bottom reminded me of two things:
    1. How fucking great America is.
    2. How much I want to pee in a strippers butt.

    12 years ago at 11:57 am
    1. The American Lion

      I would not consider the second video “almost equally hot.” It may be hot but Kate definitely knocks them out of the ball park

      12 years ago at 1:10 pm
    2. RisingFratstarOfTX

      Just had an idea for how to fix the national debt! Get Kate and those other two chicks to do a hot lesbian video, then charge an obscene amount to see it. Every straight man in the world will pay any cost. We’ll become the richest country in history.

      12 years ago at 8:24 am
  3. DukesofFrazzard

    Kate Upton. I’d fill my eyelids with broken glass then let kimbo slice hit me in the face just to hear her say my name through the phone.

    12 years ago at 12:01 pm
  4. FratHardOrGeauxHome

    So you can’t donate to St. Judes cause you’re in a frat… St. Judes was founded by a frater, but I wouldn’t expect a cum stain like you to actually do your research. One can only pray that your insensitivity to childhood cancer is followed by a case of testicular cancer which will prevent you from spreading your inbred dumbass genes into another generation of Americans.

    12 years ago at 12:01 pm
  5. TheFratlantaBraves

    Violently vomiting curry all over myself and ruining my sweet undershirt. TSlumdogM

    12 years ago at 12:03 pm
    1. tr

      Wait, what’s the big deal? All I saw was an unlit section of picture with some mysteriously floating letters…

      12 years ago at 8:18 pm
  6. Bronan the Barbarian

    God damn it, I hope that last picture isn’t Phi Psi’s from another chapter. If so, what the hell are they thinking?

    12 years ago at 12:13 pm
    1. mjthegreat53

      I was worried as well, I can’t tell what the last letter is but I can tell its not Psi so were in the clear.

      12 years ago at 1:51 pm