Fail Friday: Better Late than Never
Ten real submissions, five photos and one video, that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty. Sorry for the delay. The course was slow all day.
Don’t call your fraternity a frat, you wouldn’t call your country a cunt. TFM.
We’ve all heard this 100,000 times. It’s the oldest one liner in fraternity history. Drop it.
While double-teaming a slammy, accidentally getting hit by your brother’s juice but not really minding. TFM.
“Not really minding” huh? Guess there’s nothing wrong with a little juice sharing between brothers…
Peeing. NF. Crossing streams. TFM.
Sword fight! TFM. “Just don’t cross the streams.” -Egon Spengler. Total Protonic reversal. NF.
I wrote “Time to suck today’s dick” on the ceiling so when we wake up my slampiece knows exactly what to do. TFM.
Pretty awkward if you ever have someone respectable in your room, like your parents, and “Time to suck today’s dick” is written on the ceiling. TFTC I guess.
Took a virginity last night. Told my fiance about it. She still wants to marry me. TFM.
This is one marriage that will last a lifetime.
All I need to get laid is an emoticon or two. TFM.
LOL dot dot dot I just want a light beer…smiley face
Just iced a pledge in the middle of Econ lecture. TFM.
It’s over, dude. Let it die.
Like father like son, passing out from drinking every night for 34 years. TFM.
Cirrhosis of the liver. NF. Cirrhosis of the liver in a doublewide trailer with Pops. TFM.
I don’t always drink Bud heavy, but when I do, I have bloody diareah all day. TFM.
Wow. You’re pretty sick Chubbs.
Jerking off to Rebecca Black. TFM.
I have literally done this every Friday since that song came out.
No this is not a special needs kid, its just a Legacy
Partying like a freshmen passing out. NF. Cocooning & flouring the freshmen to be reborn as a fratstar. TFM.
Having a toga made out of the most expensive clothes old money can buy. TFM.
fratting it up canada style. TFM.
These people are extremely talented:
One of the most popular pics on this site is that of men of Pi Kappa Alpha wearing letters while hazing terrorists. Also more division one athletes are Pikes then any other fraternity so shove it for that also. Plus Im cool as shit but youll never be able to look past the label you brand me as so thats a damn shame for all parties involved.
14 years ago at 11:26 pmHave you never heard of commas or apostrophes?
14 years ago at 12:18 amdude online popularity is faf
14 years ago at 12:35 amYou have a strange way of attepting intelligence.
14 years ago at 12:52 amSkip using periods too. TFTC?
14 years ago at 1:37 amMost D1 athletes are NF at all.
14 years ago at 4:48 amstream of consciousness see Ernest Hemingway
14 years ago at 9:24 amshove it for that homeboy
14 years ago at 11:17 amI hated PIKE before, but I’ve changed my mind now that you told me you are cool as shit. Thanks to TFM all stereotypes about Fraternities have been found to hold no truth… oh wait!
14 years ago at 1:49 pmMULLBROZER1868,
Not only are you grammatically incorrect, but also incorrect in your account of literary history. Hemingway was not known for being a stream of consciousness writer, per se. Though he did employ the technique, what he is most often cited for is his prose and use of dialogue. Perhaps you meant Faulkner, or Joyce, or Woolf — or even the original über-geed, Kerouac? I doubt, however, that you’re proficient enough in the subject of literature to be able to make such an assessment. Thus, I will not sit idly by as you sully the names of my literary heroes by attempting to use them as justification for your poor comprehension of the English language and its application in written form.
Also, Pike sucks. That is all.
14 years ago at 2:59 pmManchild,
14 years ago at 4:04 pmThat was a well thought out and valid assessment of late 19th early 20th century literature. That said, you have not, nor has anyone else, acknowledged the first point made. I’m curious if you are avoiding this to make it easier to argue that PIKE sucks? Here’s the photo to remind you.
Phi Rho, I was just busting his balls. That’s what this site is for. I would hope no one takes a literary argument on seriously, or honestly believes that I think Pike sucks because MULLBROZER doesn’t know how to use commas.
14 years ago at 2:26 pmL&R
no surprise pikes continue to embarrass themselves.
14 years ago at 12:31 amI like the fact that a majority of these comments are directed towards Pikes. You guys complain and judge worse than females. Show some class. Bashing other fraternities NF. Making sure we still are the greatest and the most hated since 1868 FaF.
Phi Phi brothers!
14 years ago at 1:23 amgeed
14 years ago at 5:58 amPike is the only fraternity with no honor what so ever. You don’t deserve to be called a frat. Always known for dirty rushing. You sign kids after making yourselves look like asses and pick up the stragglers no one else wants.
14 years ago at 7:01 am^fraternity
14 years ago at 8:23 amWhining like a little bitch TSM
14 years ago at 10:08 amYour right we are not a frat. We are a fraternity.
14 years ago at 3:11 pmI think I figured it out! “Phi Phi” means “fail friday”!
14 years ago at 4:57 pm^ This is by far the most ignorant comment I’ve heard so far. Try harder next time. Also let me mention again bashing another fraternity NF.
14 years ago at 6:31 pmThe pikes at my school gave out 8 bids to the community college near us
14 years ago at 11:47 pm1865. Period.
14 years ago at 4:14 amIf your not pike your obviously pretty cool.
14 years ago at 11:16 pmso fail friday has reiterated that all asians look alike and pike is hated all across this beautiful nation.
14 years ago at 1:57 amIts true!
14 years ago at 9:10 amMy goodness Pike fucking sucks
14 years ago at 4:46 amDear Pike Brothers and said Girlfriends/Lavaliers/Sorostitutes:
If you are going to make some sort of disgraceful “music video” at least sing in-key. If not, as you have done, be prepared for the criticism you have earned yourself thusfar. What I’m, andevery coment before myself, is trying to point out is the fact that if you’re going to put these type of “videos” out there for the world to see, you better be ready to take the criticism.
Bless your heart FGCU Pike dreamgirl, you tried, but it just wasn’t quite on pointe. xoxo
14 years ago at 5:03 am8========[)~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~
14 years ago at 5:54 amIs this the same PIKE girl that had the tramp stamp, pike inked on her boobs, showin off up the skirt or doing any of the other slutty stuff on the other weeks’ posts? Yes.
14 years ago at 6:58 amThey say all chapters are different, well show me a cool and normal PIKE chapter.
14 years ago at 12:21 pmTennessee.
14 years ago at 11:13 pmUT Knoxville is worst in the SEC
14 years ago at 12:50 amand by worst I mean greek in general. Sigma Chi is the only one thats worth a damn
14 years ago at 12:51 amSmall school Pike Chapters are pretty normal from my experience.
14 years ago at 3:02 pmpike= NF
14 years ago at 12:24 pmPike. The fraternity even TKE looks down on
14 years ago at 10:42 pmI had TKE’s sweetheart lookin up to me last night. I am not a tke. TFM.
14 years ago at 4:13 am