FAIL FRIDAY: Censorship Is Necessary

Ten real submissions, ten photos, and two videos that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Beating your grandpa at a ball-sagging measuring contest. TFM.

My family has our annual ball-sagging competition every Thanksgiving.

Getting laid and still jacking off. TFM.

Double the pleasure, double the fun.

A football player bumped into me walking down the hallway and said, “Excuse me…bro.” I stopped him, looked him in the eyes, paused for a moment then finally said, “You’re excused,” and walked past him. TFM.

You should’ve challenged him to a walk off.

My girlfriend just blew me on my jet. When it was all said and done, I had a soargasm. TFM.

I remember my first frat move.

Motion for a 50 foot YOLO sign for the front of the frat castle. TFM.

I second that motion.

Pussy, pimps, penis pumps, pill poppin’. TFM.

…pelvis pushing, private punishing, prostate pounding, platinum porcelain purchasing.

My slampiece said she didn’t want to do anal, so I grabbed the frat iguana and shoved it up her butt. Fuck you PETA! TFM.
–North Carolina

That’s a totally reasonable response to anal rejection.

Dick slapping the poor people wearing FUBU at the golf club. TFM.

Give me the name of your club. I’ll show up decked out in FUBU and if you whip out that little pecker I’ll knock it off with my fucking 9 iron.

Diggin’ on Lil B’s new mixtape: Water Is D.M.G. TFM.
–Chili’s Kitchen

This is spiraling out of control.

12 years old and on a first name basis with the employees at my father’s company. TFM.
–North Carolina

12 years old?! Shut it down.

Hahahahaha. Wait…this is fake, right?

Next time invite one girl. Just one. If she even considers playing, she’s down for a five-way.

Look who’s got next.

Most pictures like this are obviously a joke. This one…I’m not sure about.

Stone cold pimps only drink Tanqueray.

Drunk eating in the nude. TFM.

Fucking pledge.

This is what Zuckerberg had in mind when he invented Facebook. Also, check out the tabs the submitter has open on his computer.

We only make the sailboats as big as they need to be.


The most horrendous “Call Me Maybe” video yet, by far:

What in the name of God was TCU thinking? I would’ve withdrawn from the university immediately. Check the crowd’s reaction.

How to Spot a Bro:

Here’s a good chaser to wash it all down…

If you missed last week’s Fail Friday, CLICK HERE, and be sure to check out our newest section, TFM News.

    1. TrickleDown

      If you say lmao again I am going to find your IP address and information and display it to everyone here.

      12 years ago at 12:32 pm
    2. FrattinSince1855

      ^^^Sorry champ, but GDI is an acronym as well as TFM. You acronym using geed.

      12 years ago at 1:31 pm
  1. Hannibro Lecter

    guy in the back left during the call me maybe video is clearly retarded as shit

    12 years ago at 12:23 pm
    1. SoBro

      How does me suggesting that these homosexuals are in a bottom-tier house such as DX insinuate to you that I would be in said house? I’m not into self-loathing, pal.

      12 years ago at 11:24 am
    2. Ole Cotton Balls

      Not Pike they dont make dudes touch eachother that would be delt or figeed. Take a lap

      12 years ago at 11:28 am