FAIL FRIDAY: Don’t Be Scared

Ten real submissions, 20 photos, and two videos that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Yelling, “Yes, I’m in a frat” whenever I walk into a room because I know it’s what everybody is wondering. TFM.

Way to cut to the chase.

Spelling come like “cum” regardless of the situation. TFM.

Power move.

Yeah, I guess you could say I’m a try-hard, but that’s only because my tri’s are so fuckin’ hard. TFM.

Oh you son of a bitch.

Tried to hook up with this babe at my school’s college bar. She denied me, so I said, “Have fun hooking up with a GDI tonight.” Needless to say, I didn’t get laid. Doesn’t matter, she was like a 6 anyway. TFM.

Incredible story. You’re a modern day Shakespeare.

When a fat girl trips and falls and you’re just like, “It’s going down, I’m yellin’ timber!” TKe$haM.

Oh no, don’t do this.

When you catch your slampiece with another guy and you’re just like, “We are never ever ever getting back together.” TTSwiftM.

Stop. Stop it now.

When your slampiece slaps you at a party and you’re just like, “Why you gotta be so rude?” TMagic!M.

Oh come on!

When you’re talking to a random South American girl and you throw in a bunch of random Spanish words to try and sound cool. TPitBullM.


When your ex-boyfriend calls you up to break off your wedding and you’re just like, “If you like it then you should’ve put a ring on it.” TBeyoncéM.

This is miserable.

When your slampiece walks in on you having sex with another girl and you’re just like, “Baby baby baby ohhhhh.” TBieberM.

Well, this Fail Friday is officially ruined.

This is how recruitment is done.
This is how recruitment is done.
"Let's look hard as fuck in this one."
“Let’s look hard as fuck in this one.”
Don't be scared, man. Grip those balls.
Don’t be scared, man. Grip those balls.
These gentleman need to make a run to the pants store.
These gentleman need to make a run to the pants store.
Excuse me, sir. Are you aware that you're wearing a dress?
Excuse me, sir. Are you aware that you’re wearing a dress?
Better cuff yo bitch.
Better cuff yo bitch.
Non-traditional students need frat too.
Non-traditional students need frat too.
Mmmm cream.
Mmmm cream.
Face of a goober.
Face of a goober.
Well his life is ruined.
Well his life is ruined.
"Will you hold our paddle up?!?! AWESOME!"
“Will you hold our paddle up?!?! AWESOME!”
Sexual and violent.
Sexual and violent.
The best way to use a toilet.
The best way to use a toilet.
Butt contact seems unnecessary.
Hand-to-butt contact seems unnecessary.
Grandma swag.
Grandma swag.
Tinky tinky in his pants.
Tinky tinky in his pants.
Hey guy, there's a little something something on your pillow.
Hey guy, there’s a little something something on your pillow.
Goober's eyebrow game is too scrong.
Goober’s eyebrow game is too scrong.

“Shake It Off” Lip Dub From Delta Sigma Phi

Hilariously Bad Rush Video

Really, Really Hilariously Bad Rush Video


  1. Whisky Dick

    Jesus fuck, intern. 2 o’clock?? You absolutely ruined my afternoon shit. One would think that at least one of your dads would have taught you something about punctuality

    10 years ago at 2:19 pm
  2. The Great White North

    Hey intern want to actually try posting Fail Friday at a reasonable time next week?

    10 years ago at 2:19 pm
  3. shesaheffer

    The soundtrack to that last rush video sounds like some japanese anime shit. Thats frat as fuck.

    10 years ago at 2:36 pm