FAIL FRIDAY: Dropping the Ball on 2011
Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Getting drunk with your 8-year-old son. TFM.
–New York
You’re a role model for role models.
She asked me for breakfast in bed. I pointed to my crotch and said, “eggs fratadickt.” TFM.
I hope she poached your eggs.
So what if I wear “GDI” clothes. I still party, bro-out and pick up girls better than most. TFM.
Better than most deaf-mute hermaphrodites, maybe.
Motion for a “Sweetbros” section. TFM.
Kentucky puts in a bid for the male version of TFM Sweethearts.
Registering to vote and being asked to declare a party and simply pointing to the swoop. TFM.
I hope you got one of those voter registration forms with eyes and a sense of humor.
Split a tin with my friend. We both have loose bowel movements now. TFM.
Thanks for sharing. Good to know.
Frathound was replaced with a Frat Cat so there’s always pussy around. TFM.
I give “Frat Cat” two weeks to live. Somebody call the Animal Humane Society.
You mad bro? Can’t see my, can’t see my, can’t see my troll face. TFM.
Remix of Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” for internet trolls. Lovely.
In an elevator after a late night I had my sunglasses on. GDI in full elevator asks me, “You do know you’re inside, right?” I reply, “Suck my dick.” Potential slampiece follows me out of elevator and asks to get lunch. TFM.
My last “cool story bro” of 2011.
Let’s get some things understood. When someone takes time out 2 honestly do something special 4 u…even if u don’t see it as anything big…plz still appreciate it. Cuz I can grantee da whole entire time they was planning wat ever 4 u…they were thinkin bout u & only u. TFM.
What a heartwarming way to end 2011.
I really hope this cute little photo is on Pinterest.
Jorts: when slacks just aren’t semi-formal enough.
I assume they were forced to eat 50 powdered donuts off of their pledge brother.
He’s in touch with his feminine side.
It’s an end of the year double feature. I pray to God y’all learned your lesson in 2011 about making rap songs like this:
Float Look Like Money
Sexy and I Bro It
The elevator story should have made it onto the wall, minus the “potential slam piece” part.
13 years ago at 4:55 pmSecond to last picture is from IU…Kappa Sig by the looks of it. Can’t really say I’m surprised though.
13 years ago at 5:17 pm“Frat” doesn’t even rhyme with “Man”……Rusy, I, and everyone else back at the honors engineering college are laughing at you right now.
13 years ago at 5:22 pmDale, go chug some bleach. You are a waste of space.
13 years ago at 7:59 pmThat “Frat Guy” seems pretty chill.
13 years ago at 5:55 pmThe epitome of bro.
13 years ago at 6:29 pmGlad you took a break from sucking your Pi Kapp brothers dick to kiss his ass.
13 years ago at 8:21 pmPlease tell me “Float Look Like Money” was intentionally made to be as shitty as possible as some sort of pledge task. I don’t see how you can make something so pathetic unless you are trying
13 years ago at 6:01 pmCouldn’t be pledges…. He isn’t wearing pledge gear.
13 years ago at 12:37 amIt’s funny, because the float, while incomplete, looked fucking awful.
13 years ago at 10:34 amHe is a pledge and, yes, it was intentionally made to be as shitty as possible
13 years ago at 5:56 pmYou mean you let them out of pledge gear? TFTC?
13 years ago at 1:27 amI got second-hand embarrassment from that guy’s singing.
13 years ago at 6:11 pmYup.
13 years ago at 6:57 pm“frat guy” = pi kapps everywhere.
13 years ago at 6:51 pmCasey Franthony, go drown yourself
13 years ago at 6:57 pmThe pi kapps at CSU did it again. Great job guys.
13 years ago at 7:47 pmI wouldn’t be surprised if all of these photographs feature members of XYZ fraternity… A bunch of rascals they are…
13 years ago at 7:56 pmDamn it Maryland…
13 years ago at 8:06 pm